Ariana turned to face Hugh as she heard him and smiled, dropping the rings against the outside of her shirt and reached over to him, pressing her tiny finger against his lips the way that Sana had done to her during the night. “Shh,” she whispered quietly and then pointed at Sana still sleeping peacefully there. Pulling her finger away she smiled and went back to playing with the rings but it did not last long; the child grew restless very quickly now that Hugh was awake and began to look around as if plotting what she could get into now. Turning she rested on her knees and faced Sana, tilting her head to the side as she watched her protector sleep; her golden hair falling to the side and the flakes of amber in her eyes shining in the early morning light. Then the child did what most children do when they want attention, she did something to get attention. Sana could have likely slept for another several hours but it was not an option at that point, the little one was getting anxious and was tired of waiting. Feeling a push against her forehead Sana slowly opened her tired eyes and could see Ariana leaning over her, pressing against her head again and again. She narrowed her eyes for a moment, reaching down slowly as she pulled Hughs arm from around her waist and then quickly scooped the child into her arms and tickled her as she sat up in bed. The little one giggling and squirming as she tried to get away; Sana finally stopped, laughing slightly as she sat up and kept the child in her lap. “That’s what you get for waking me up,” Sana said in a light hearted voice as she tucked Arianas hair behind her ear. Ariana stuck her tongue out at Sana before sliding off the bed and running to the other side of the room. “Can’t get me,” Ariana taunted as she held her hands up, pretending to be a cat and [i]rawring[/i] at Sana. Sana chuckled as she shook her head some but slowly moved her legs to hang off the side of the bed. “Rawr!”Ariana said playfully and Sana pounced, pushing off the bed and wrapping her arms around the little one, spinning her around before flopping the child gently on the bed next to Hugh. “Gotcha,” Sana teased. Ariana just lay there laughing; Sana sitting down on the edge of the bed watching her and enjoying the moment. Ariana seemed to have a lot of spirit to her, even after everything she had been through here she was; up and playing as if it was any other day. She had to admire the childs resilience, few adults could have survived what Ariana had been through, much less wake up with such a positive attitude about life. If only everyone could recover from the trials that life threw at them that quickly. Sana knew that Ariana would need a lot of time and that she may never fully put behind her what happened but seeing her sitting there laughing gave her hope that at least what she had endured had not destroyed her. Looking over to Hugh, Sana smiled. “Good morning dear,” she said in a joyful voice before leaning over and giving a quick kiss. Ariana giggling once again at the sight. Sana shook her head slightly and looked over towards the little one. “Okay, enough of that. I think a big breakfast is in order this morning, what do you two think?” Sana asked as she righted herself and sat there watching the two. “Yes! Smells so good!” Ariana exclaimed happily before she took Hughs hand and began to pull on it trying to get him out of bed. “Come on, come on,” she said as she tried to move the man. Sana had to cover her mouth due to the want to laugh hysterically at the sight of the child trying to move Hugh under her own force. Sister Agnes glanced towards the upstairs as she heard the laughter and smiled to herself, it seemed Ariana was awake and having fun already. After everything that had happened with Sana with the first fight she had been worried when she saw her ride into the town with the child but after seeing her place herself between the child and the Evil one on his mount from hell without a thought to her own safety put Sister Agnes’ worries to rest. The woman might have it in her to be brutal but then again, didn’t so many when someone they cared about were put in danger? She pushed the thought out of her head and smiled as Fiona came over and sat down with her. Wiping her mouth with a napkin, she finished the bite of food that was in her mouth before she answered; nodding slightly in the meantime. After a moment the old woman placed her fork down now that she was able to speak. “Morning Fiona, I trust you slept well,” the sister said in a light hearted voice. “And to answer your question, yes I did, thank you for asking. Was up a little bit after Sana got Ariana in bed since the wee one decided to take a walk last night but as you can hear,” the sister said pointing up stairs about the time Ariana was [i]rawring[/i] and laughing. “She decided to sleep elsewhere. So I was able to get some very peaceful rest,” she said before taking a drink of the water she had next to her plate. “Everyone you brought back was settled down nicely last night. Some here at the inn, the rest were placed with families in and around the village. Thanks to what you all brought back for the village we will be able to get them back on their feet. We are truly in debt to your group for what all you have done,” the sister said in a grateful voice. Turning as Vaeri spoke the sister took a deep breath and smiled brightly. “Those smell wonderful, you are going to spoil the village if you keep cooking like this but I won’t complain. Thank you ever so much,” Sister Agnes said towards the elf woman. The group had really come together to protect the village and keep it safe and it lifted a lot of stress from the nun to know that the slavers would not be bothering them again. Rising from her place she looked back towards Fiona and smiled. “I think Wylsen was up all night, I doubt he stopped brewing potions after him and Lob finished up taking care of the Hell Hound, I am going to take him some food. Excuse me if you will,” she said in a kind voice before stepping over to the food to fill up a plate for the old apothecary. She wasn’t sure if Lob was still with him or not so she grabbed another plate and filled it up as well, not exactly sure what to put on it she stuck with a variety of things just in case before heading out of the inn and towards the apothecary shop. Glancing over to where Derrix had made his self-appointed post she smiled towards him. “Have you been up all night?” she asked, though it was came out as more of a surprised conclusion than a question. “Please, go get something to eat; there is more than enough for everyone,” she said in a gentle voice before continuing on her way to the shop to see what Wylsen was up to.