Alarei sat uneasily upon the chair; it was disconcerting to him that he could not recall this person that left him the shield in their will. A blur of faces flickered between his memories, but still he could not match the face to the person that had thought of him in the last moments of their impending death. He wasn’t one to stand idly as people came into any kind of snag, he was a well-seasoned adventurer, lending a sword arm to all those that required it, but the idea that this person thought of Alarei in their final moments cracked open the hardened exterior of the proud warrior, and made him grieve privately for this man’s tragic passing. He listened carefully as each of the other able-bodied travellers received their gifts, watching as they revealed their intentions to stop this Goblin plague and avenge this man’s death. “I agree with the little one,” he rubbed at his face thoughtfully before continuing “We should alert the Captain of the Guard to bolster their watch for the next several days, to ensure that the palace is well protected from danger.” As the hunter spoke his turn Alarei chimed in once more “Aye, it’s more than likely that they’ve already dismantled their camp and have begun marching.” He cleared his throat and [url=]devised the beginnings of a strategy [/url], “Maybe we could separate the raiding party, I know from past encounters with Goblins that they're quite touched in the head, we could take advantage of that. At the very least we could scout ahead and see how large this raiding party is, because they can number anywhere from between three to a couple of thousand.” He stood up in one brisk move, his posture straight and his face brimming with confidence. “Like the hunter said, we should get moving, time is of the essence so the quicker we move, the sooner we can intercept them.” He stopped for one moment, taking a look at each of these adventurers, taking stock of each of them. “If you need supplies, I think it best you stock up now, otherwise we should alert the Captain of the Guard, plan a strategy and move out!”