Hanzo awoke surprisingly late in the morning than he typically might, with the sun's rays of light already shining through the window of his room. Though, perhaps, he wasn't always one to sleep in a bed, especially not after fighting a horde of bandits and a hellish paladin. whatever the case, the monk awoke quite late and quite hungry, and was hoping to at least sate the latter half of his immediate predicament. Making his way down to the main room of the inn, he was greeted by a few others and informed there was a buffet going on. Basically, when explained, a sort of 'choose your own meal' event. Hanzo couldn't exactly claim to understand it, but he went along anyways. As faithful as he tried to be, sometimes it was nice to try something different, something more than what one was used to. Thus, after gathering a muffin and some berries, Hanzo decided to act upon some unseen urge and turned it into a more high-piled breakfast, like his comrades were helping themselves to. Taking careful strides up to the table where Fiona, Tobias, and some of the others were gathering around, Hanzo greeted them. "Good morning. I trust everyone is alright after the- well, [i]excitements[/i] yesterday?" He spoke, seeming slightly out of character than yesterday's counterpart (something his plate could attest to). Taking a free seat, Hanzo began to dig in to his food, mannerly as ever in that regard at least. He would certainly admit, a warm meal like this was a lot more sweet and wholesome, especially when one had been conditioned to live much on the road. For a moment, he considered the fact that not every person in the world who awakened this morning would not have the luxuries Hanzo was helping himself to... but, strangely, he found himself shaking that thought away. His thoughts turned to why - it wasn't exactly befitting of him to ignore that sort of issue. Was he becoming more like an adventurer, living more in the now and for themselves? No, he supposed, trying to reassure himself, he wasn't. Hanzo had allowed himself to indulge in some luxuries before, whenever they were so graciously offered by the people he had helped. So, an opportunist, then? Simply accepting gifts like this was more of a courtesy than an opportunity to be seized, he imagined. Maybe so, maybe not, it was hard to tell. The monk got so absorbed in his self-criticism that his pace of eating slowed to a stop, until he was just sitting there pondering. A moment later, he shook himself from his trance and returned to his food. It probably wasn't so healthy to be judging himself like this, anyways. Why not simply take what life gives you? [i]Well,[/i] Hanzo thought, [i]maybe I just don't want to be a terrible person. But in a world like this, sometimes it's hard to know what that means.[/i]