Keystone could see the undead army finally overwhelming the strong defenses as the guards were overwhelmed. The zombies and undead fell over the men and women bravely holding them back, clawing, biting and raking through flesh. The screams that erupted from the battle were horrifying, a lost cry for help that nobody could answer. The captain watched the massacre as they rode away, his face a dark shroud of grief and anger. Bleeding from several nicks and holding a finely crafted sword, the man beamed hopelessness. Hopelessness at being unable to save his soldiers, hopelessness at being unable to die with them. A slight flicker, a reflection at the battle sight caught his attention. One of the guards making a last stand? Then, with a sudden grunt, the weary man let go of his sword, dropping it onto the road. His bloody hands went up to his chest, his face twisted in a grimace of pain and horror. Embedded deeply in his chest was one of the swords Two Stars' guards carried, still humming from the force of the throw. With a quiet sigh, the Captain fell backwards into the carriage floor, quite dead. Beneath the mask of pain, it was almost as if the man died happy, happy that he didn't leave his subordinates. The refugees in the carriage gasped and yelled, some trying to help the poor Captain, some trying to hide from more projectiles, even though none came. The drivers lashed the horses some more and the caravan accelerated, desperate to get away from the doomed town as quickly as they could. Far behind them, at the town gates, Glith watched the caravan go. He couldn't see if his throw actually hit someone, but judging by the reaction, it at least scared the lot. The zombies behind him were feasting on the dead guards, but the victory tasted bitter to the old knight. He had come to rescue Kaylee, and yet she was gone now, stolen by some wretched human. The knight gave a loud growl that reverberated throughout the town, vowing to find the thief and get his beloved back. The large two handed sword was now heavy and unwieldy, its inscription dark. Still, the knight strapped it to his back and started after the quickly disappearing caravan. The zombie horde, having finished its feasting, followed the armoured figure at a distance, hungry for more flesh. The entity in Keystone's head kept quiet until the undead was out of sight, but the monk could clearly feel the overwhelming relief that stemmed from it once the knight was no longer on the horizon. No voice went through the monk's head, but many images floated by, arranged in a scattered order. A party of adventurers speaking with the undead knight, it holding a fat purse as a booming voice echoed. A dark and broken castle, covered in magical ice, the party fighting unspeakable evil. The name 'Glith', followed by images of the large armoured undead and even stronger emotions of fear went by. A young couple, a farmer's daughter and a promising tall priest, laughing and cheering in a field full of wheat. The stream of images ended with a strong flash of pain, as Keystone found himself looking through the eyes of the woman, staring down as a bloody wound in her chest, gasping for air. The young priest held her, tears streaming from his face as he cursed at something just out of the way. Then, darkness..nothing. The presence in Keystone's head seemed to vanish, and did not manifest itself again that journey. It didn't leave without imparting a profound sense of gratitude upon the monk. The caravan made great progress, and soon the refugees were going through the gates of [url=]Telflamm[/url], a bustling trade city on the Golden way and the busy shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Word of the new threat that obliterated Two Stars spread quickly, making the city even busier than usual as preparations were made to defend the large settlement. The refugees were settled just inside the city slums, in a cheap and busy inn that provided food and drinks to those in need, until their business could be sorted out properly by the authorities. Aside from regular checkups, the passengers of the caravan were allowed to roam the city and partake in its many [url=]striking features[/url], be it the famous Xiang Temple for monks or the Shemszarr Square for anyone willing to spend or receive coin. A week later, word came that some unknown force was consuming and leaving empty towns in its wake, approaching Telflamm at a rate many deemed impossibly fast. [For further fleshing out of any of the areas/characters, just have your character go there or inquire about it. I will follow any course the characters take]