Name: Tane Cacahau Anoaru (Taah-Ney Ka-ka-HOW Ah-no-ah-ru) - Big Man Whose Laugh Is Thunder Of Anoa. Appearance: [img][/img] He stands at 7'1", and is covered in tattoos. Age: 27 Preferred Gladiator Form: Loriarium Bio: Born on Anoa Island in the Kapuiri island chain in the great western ocean, Tane was the son of the Chief-of-Warriors Raumhe under Grand Chief Hemipaura. Even from birth, he was huge, and as he reached his eighteenth year, he towered over even the naturally tall people of the island chain, giving him his first name. From youth he had been boisterous and jovial - quick to start a fight, but slow to truly anger - and a connoisseur of life's pleasures such as food, games, alcohol and women, his roars of happiness and his great booming laugh giving him his second name. He was also a great warrior, although he relied more on brute strength, size and intimidation than on any real skill. His weapon was a great warclub, a great oarlike bludgeon edged with chunks of sharp rock, obsidian and shark teeth, and he loved it more than life itself. With his warclub at his side, he proved his worth as a warrior against the tribesmen of the other islands in many a battle, eventually rising to the position of Chief-of-Warriors when his father died. With his great size, strength and noteworthy position, his confidence grew to the point of foolhardiness, and it is almost impossible to intimidate him. Then, the legions came to his shores. Again and again, he and his warriors fell upon the soldiers of the empire, driving them back with their brute strength and joyous ferocity. But one day, as they celebrated another glorious battle and feasted, drank and whored, spies of the legion slipped into their fortified town and let in the soldiers. Too drunk or tired to fight, the warriors were clapped in irons and sent to work in mines or die in arenas or as curiosities. One of the centurions, however, recognised Tane for his great size, bought him as a slave and sent him to the ludus of Dominus Canis Borell, most likely hoping to win some money. For all that he has been through, slavery has not dulled his spirits. Tane took to learning what Centurum he could, so that he could joke and laugh with his new owners and with his fellow slaves as he could with his countrymen - despite obvious flaws in this idea. Although he misses the baser things in life, the soldiers have told him that those who succeed in the ludus are often rewarded with food and drink and all the whores that you can eat, a thought that keeps him going no matter what.