[quote=Zaresto] Eh, I see it differently. There's already going to be many confusing parts when reading an IC thread, mainly because posts often backtrack on the same topic in order to add substance into their post. While first person can sometimes add to such a problem, it can also alleviate confusion in the process. With first person, I find it much easier to convey emotions and thoughts, due to how I'm seeing the world through my character's eyes. With third person, it can sometimes be hard to figure out what the poster meant when his/her character was doing something, but first person allows the viewer to get a better understanding of the character's motivation, due to how it is more natural to explain such things in first person. Furthermore, while dramatic irony (something amplified by first person) can be confusing in some places, it serves as a much needed catalyst to character interaction, as well as interaction with the world around the character. (BTW: First person doesn't change how you would normally interact with the character)On the topic of first person leading to god-modding, I can see where you're coming from, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. While this may be true for some, the characters I roleplay are rarely an extension of myself. In fact, that would get quite dull, so I make sure my characters are distinctly different from me. Sure, they may have some of my mental, emotional, or physical characteristics, but rarely do they match my own. (I mean, I've never been a girl) On the topic of god-modding, yes I do have a stronger connection than I would with third person, so yes, I would want to try and protect my character, but it works both ways. I have to enter this persona to post, so every time I have to mimic their emotions, which allows a much more tangible view of my character, as I often have to slave over details and get to know my character in the process, allowing for more natural characterization. I hope you see where I'm coming from. [/quote] Indeed I can, I guess this is going to be a wait and see game. I hope you can prove me wrong. I have voiced my concerns, and I do not wish to get in to a protracted debate over this, it will probably injure the RP.