[h3]April 11th / Tuesday / Morning[/h3] [b]Dormitory B[/b] RING! BEEP! Dai groaned and burrowed his face digging deeper into the pillow. His alarm clock had just blared to life; its noisy disturbance was enough to make it vibrate against his desk. His flip phone only added to the growing ruckus with its insistent ringing. While his phone was as dead as a corpse all night long – probably due to that strange world – it only resulted in having all that backlog of messages from his fellow acquaintances to come flooding in this morning. At least he hoped that the message was from yesterday. If any of them came from this morning, there’s going to be a long, [i]long[/i] chat on their schedules. RING! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!RING— [color=f6989d]“AAAAAAH, SHUT UP.”[/color] Dai threw his covers to the side, slamming his hand against the button of the alarm clock, before he grabbed the phone and tried to suffocate it with his pillow. He shot his device with a half-hearted glare. [color=f6989d]“I’M UP ALREADYYYY.”[/color] As the blurs around his vision became clear and the noise quieted down, the young man slowly took notice of a bow and arrow that had been tossed aside callously to a corner. A brown bag that did not belong to him was next to the weaponry. He took a deep breath at the sight, unsure as how to go about this whole situation. Personae, shadows, an upcoming calamity; this is hardcore surreal stuff, things that can only be made from dreams and nightmares. Dai ran his tongue against dry lips. Hesitantly, he spoke, summoning a bit of his will. [color=f6989d]“P-Persona…?” [/color]He raised his eyes and bit his lips. Suddenly, a mask materialized over his face and, out of the corner of his eyes, Stuart Little sat on top of his desk, twisting its little blue scarf between it paws. The creature looked up, smiled, and waved. [color=f6989d]“…Hi.”[/color] The tension in Dai’s shoulders lessened as he waved back to his Persona. Within a few moments, his mask faded away along with the mouse. Dai rubbed the palms of his fist against his weary eyes and flopped back into his bed. As expected, it wasn’t a dream. Saito is probably missing his bag right about now. [h3]April 11th / Tuesday / After School[/h3] [b]Track & Field Club[/b] Other than the fact that geography class was cancelled, the school day has been uneventful. The track and field team was out on the field. Like any start to a new school year, the club was a mere meet-and-greet today along with a few try-outs for those who want to enter school competitions. In all honesty, athletics were not his thing with the slight exception to archery. The drama club and the music club was more in tune with his preferred niche; unfortunately, the drama club won’t meet until tomorrow and he didn’t have much interest investing in the mastery of musical instruments. With nothing else to do, Dai decided to branch out a bit, opting to give track a shot, when one of the students thrust a flier into his hands in hopes of recruiting new members for track and field. Well, how could he say no? Who knows when that skill could be useful – especially if it comes to running from a calamity? After a few stretches, Dai stood at the starting line, tapping the tip of his right shoe-spike against the tartan track. As the other runners started to get into position, he copied their form and crouched. Soon, the man in black and white stripes raised his toy gun. [i]BAM![/i] > Gained 2 points. Add 2 points to the Lover Arcana Compatibility Rank. Two more points until next Rank. [b]Central Building Hallway[/b] As Dai wandered the school grounds, stretching his arms above his head, he felt oddly refreshed from taking a shower after a good exercise. Three hours had passed since his time at track and field. There was more than plenty of time to kill - time that he needed to spend on sending those texts back to his acquaintances. A few people messaged him about Sasaki’s hospitalization and Dai quickly texted them the story that Kazuo had used; fortunately, it wasn’t the type of news that got people gossiping. With Kazuo’s excuse, people assumed it was nothing more than an accident and went on to better rumors. With his flip phone in hand, Dai pressed a wide variety of buttons, catching up with the usual gossips, as he walked through the halls. He managed to avoid collision well enough without once looking up from his screen. It wasn’t until he finally looked up when he paused mid-step. He blinked several times and quickly backtracked a few feet. He opened his mouth to speak, but soon closed it. After a few moments of silence, Dai flipped his phone shut. [color=f6989d]“Hello, rosebud, need a hand?”[/color] Dai asked with a small smile as he crouched next to Bride who was merely sitting on the ground, gently touching his cheek. He winced lightly as he spotted the wound somewhat covered by the boy's fingers. [color=f6989d]"Ouch, what happened there?"[/color] He frowned a little at the sight before he reached into Saito’s bag that he had been lugging around all day and pulled out the last bottle of iced coffee. The drink was still cold, dripping with condensation. He wasn't sure it could heal anything in this world, but it could be used for something else. [color=f6989d]“Here, press this against your cheek.”[/color] Dai held out the cold drink to Bride. [color=f6989d]“You know, someone as lovely as you shouldn’t be sitting on the ground. Wanna go to the nurse’s office? Or how about you and me go someplace quiet to get you fixed up?”[/color] He grinned and winked playfully at the last part. He then waited patiently for his classmate to answer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dai: 4 hours left ¥4000