[center][h3]Khalid and Jim[@sophrus][/h3][/center] Noticing the tear dropping from the rotten ghouls cheek, Khalid was unable to comprehend why, and tilted his head once more, confused at what the human was feeling and why he was experience some form of negative emotion. When the ghoul said hello, and choked up when he spoke, Khalid pined sadly and nuzzled the ghouls rotten bony hand slowly, in the vain hope of trying to make him feel better, whimpering up at the ghoul, not finding it amusing nor good that the ghoul was showing signs of being unhappy, Khalid didn't like that, and attempted to comfort him as best as the dog could. It was then, Jim the ghoul had snatched the baseball away and cradled it in his arms protectively. At first, Khalid's maw opened up into a pant, giving the look as if he were smiling, his tail wiggle waggling excitedly, in absolute joy in the hopes he would be given the ball to play with. However the longer Jim held the ball, the more it came apparent to Khalid that he wouldn't be given the ball, causing the big dog to whimper in a sad affectionate manner, giving the ghoul man the cute puppy look once more. Of course, nobody can resist the face of a dog wanting something, as Khalid succeeded in his plan, eventually the ghoul had put the baseball away and replaced the ball with a slab of delicious mole rat meat. Not knowing whether Khalid should eat it or not, the dog looked to the ghoul with confirmation. Jim spoke something, which Khalid perceived as the go ahead to chomp down on the delicious meat he was given and barked in response to Jim. Of course to Jim, he would perceive it that the dog is okay with being called Kal, but it seems the two were lost in translation. Khalid playfully pounced upon the meat and chomped delightfully on each slice he could rip off with his powerful jaws. Chewing and growling merrily, happy as his tail wagged at the speed of a jet.