Sana smiled as she watched Ariana but she knew that they needed to eat and Sana had a lot to take care before they left to try to find the rest of the ingredients for the orphanage; the most important of which was making sure Ariana was going to be taken care of. Rising from her spot on the bed she pulled on her boots over her pants legs and laced them up. Leaving her shirt untucked she wandered over to her bag and pulled out her brush, running it through her hair and then walking over to Ariana and sweeping her up in her arms. Setting her down on the floor, Sana sat down on the edge of the bed and brushed the young ones golden locks. Once she had finished she tossed the brush back in her bag and stood up. “Ready?” Sana asked the little one in a soft voice and Ariana nodded quickly with a broad smile on her face, holding her arms up to Sana; apparently wanting to be carried instead of walking. Sana smirked slightly but acquiesced to the childs silent request and propped Ariana on her hip before strolling to the door. Reaching for the handle she smiled over to Hugh. “Going to get her fed and then need to get her some more clothing. So we’ll either be down stairs or in the general store,” Sana said lightly before heading out, closing the door behind her. Making her way downstairs, she took note of those that had already gathered but didn’t see Sister Agnes. Pursing her lips slightly she hoped she could find the nun at one point because she needed to speak to her about Ariana. Pushing the thought out of her head she wandered over to the buffet and set Ariana down before grabbing some plates. “Okay, what do you want for breakfast?” Sana asked as she looked down at the little one who was wide eyed as she looked at all the food. “All of it!” Ariana exclaimed excitedly. Sana rose a brow and then chuckled. “Okay, well it won’t all fit on your plate, so what do you want to start with?” Sana asked and Ariana started pointing out various things. Sana piled the food up for the little one and grabbed a few things for herself before turning and looking around for a table to set up at with the little one. She was tempted to pick one that was far away from the rest of the group, not sure if Ariana was ready to be around others as of yet but then she decided to leave it up to the child. “Where would you like to sit?” Ariana looked around for a minute and then pointed to the table where Fiona was sitting at. “There! She has pretty hair!” Ariana said with a smile. Sana laughed slightly and motioned for her to go ahead. Ariana giggled and ran over to the table and jumped into a chair. “Hi!” she said to Fiona as she sat on her knees in the chair and looked around. Sana wandered over and set the little ones plate of food down in front of her before resting down herself next to Ariana. “Morning,” Sana said to Fiona before introducing them both. “Fiona, this little one is Ariana. Ariana, this is Fiona, a friend,” Sana said in a kind voice. Ariana waved at Fiona before she began to dig into her meal.