Hunter woke up in the local hospital. "Dammit..." He knew his situation was bad, He had brought his own fire arms to a gun fight, had to explain that, he also realized that he had no way to pay off a hospital bill. Didn't help the situation that he appeared to be handcuffed to the bed. "Well dammit again." He was patched up, felt sore, bit sick, but he felt worse, like that morning. That was worse. Two police officers walked into his room. "Good morning officers, you mind explaining the cuffs?" The first officer went up to Hunter and started asking him questions. "Where did you get shot?" Hunter wasn't the most... creative of people. But he did have a plan for this. "I was taking a walk, I got mugged, I don't know where I was to be honest. Just blowing off some steam, Been a stressful few days to be honest." The officer went through his notes. "You were seen leaving a mechanics shop with a rifle bag, and a case that resembled that for a handgun. Care to explain?" Well... Now things got harder. "I was looking for a decent range to also blow off steam, I didn't find one so I put my things away, got mugged on the walk after." The officer closed his note book, Hunter was sweating like crazy now. "So, if we go back to your Vehicle we will find the guns you claimed to have taken out?" The answer to this was no, He needed to bullshit his way through this just a bit longer, just so he wouldn't go to jail for the rest of his life. "You'll find the shotgun, my other gun was on me when I was mugged, I have all the paper work for it, though that may have been taken as well, didn't check." The officer went through his notes again. "What the hell can you ask me on now?!" Hunter thought to himself. "Why didn't you call for help after you were shot? Instead you limped your way back to your hotel?" This was something he didn't need to make up. "Can't afford a cell phone, college is expensive as hell, add my truck onto it and things just get that much harder. Phone didn't seem worth it. Though I knew my friends had some so I went there." The officer kept going through papers.