Impressive, only one in ten warriors survived to this stage when facing Judgement, flawlessly adapting to his immense strength and surprising agility and even parrying his sword while remaining standing. It seemed he had a real fight on his hands, and with a brief moment of respite was able to note that his ally had also engaged another figure in a clash of swords. He had of course turned to face his foe’s new position off to his left, still close to the wall with a statue behind them and a window off to their left side. With his ally’s new position, strangely, the battle had moved so that his force held the side of the room with the staircase, with the opposition on the other side. Though Judgement was a more significant distance from his own opponent, not currently engaged. Still, the distance favoured the gargantuan warrior and his far-reaching weapon. Noting that his opponent was somewhat constrained on her left, with the statue and the wall blocking further passage, he took one step forward and diagonal to his left and then approached, sword remaining in its previous grip at his left side in the guard of the same name. It took Judgement perhaps two of his gargantuan steps to cover the fifteen feet or so between them, cutting it down to eight feet, more than sufficient range for his weapon. He decided to see how his opponent dealt with him switching up his style. At range, he brought his sword across and then slashed horizontally at a diangol from the left at his foe, aiming to cleave through the middle of her torso. However, as he committed to the move he released the sword with his left hand essentially finishing the strike one handed with no significant change in the power or speed of his blow. The sudden usage of his huge blade in one hand would no doubt be a surprise, but it would also provide him with a sudden burst of additional reach, as he then drew the blade down. The end result was a simple horizontal strike transitioning into something that covered a speedy low approach from his foe, while also cutting off an easy retreat, and overall threatening them with potentially being cut in half.