"The honor is mine," she said in a grateful voice as he held the door open for her. Taking his arm she walked out of the shop and made her way back over towards the inn. Once they had reached their destination, she glanced around and was pleased to see Sana sitting there eating breakfast with Ariana and some of the others with the group. "There she is," the sister said softly as she motioned over to Sana as she wiped some milk that had spilt on Arianas clothing. "I'll introduce you two," she said before continuing over towards the group. Sana caught the sister out of the corner of her eye with the stranger from yesterday and rose from her place in greeting. "Morning sister," she said. "Were you able to sleep last night?" she inquired towards the old woman. "Oh very well, perhaps more than you," the sister laughed as she looked over towards Ariana. Sana rose a brow as she looked at the little one and smiled. "Actually, she went straight to sleep. No problems. So what can I do you for?" Sana asked as she looked back over to the sister. "Actually, yes. Two things. First would be I would like to introduce you to Derrix Herchiv, he was asking about the cinder sickness and seems to want to help," the sister informed Sana. Sana nodded and turned her attention to the man escorting the sister. Sana looked the man over for a moment before extending her hand to him. Sanas lips curled slightly into perhaps what would have been a familiar smirk to Derrix, for it was the same one that her sister wore from time to time. Sana and her sister Ramara looked so similar, as if they were twins, minus a few small details and the newly acquired burn scars that peaked up from under her collar and went up one side of her neck. "Sana Rawn," the woman said as she stood there. "Welcome to join, we can use all the help we can get and you seem to have a knack at fighting as it is already," she said in a welcoming voice. Once he shook her hand or not, she would lower it and turn her attention back to Sister Agnes. "And the second thing?" "Could I talk to you in private for a minute?" the sister asked and Sana nodded. "Yes of course," Sana said before turning her attention back to Ariana. "I will be right over there," Sana said as she pointed to another table and kissed the little one on the forehead. Ariana grinned with a mouth full of food and nodded before Sana looked back at the pair. "If you would excuse me for a moment," Sana said towards Derrix before motioning for the Sister to join her. Agnes nodded and followed Sana over to the open table and had to seat, wanting to speak to Sana about her plans for Ariana.