Now I never specifically stated that the aliens - whose name is still being worked on - are flying octopuses who altered their own DNA and became something advanced and non-organic, but they are. And then I find this article... [url][/url] So, there you go, folks. We're all doomed. [quote=@Raptorman] The location of Vorian's current facility is in New Hampshire. As for why it is there, well did anyone really expect him to be there? If you answered no then you have it. ;) [/quote] Smart. Very smart. I like the way you think, Raptor. Do you plan on having his facility's location known to the public? That could set things up for some interesting encounters later on. [quote=@DJAtomika] Well I already have my story thread with the Mackeys and Merle. Most likely they'll be heading to New Hampshire first, but then having to quell some sort of local troubles while waiting for the rest to arrive or something. [/quote] If you want, we could have early rumors released to the public that the aliens are returning? This could spark some rioting nearby the Mackey's could handle.