[center][h2][color=6ecff6] Jinxy [/color] Engine Room On Oberon[/h2][/center] Jinxy listened to the announcements that Amir made and had to chuckle a bit. He sounded like a cheezy tour guide that was selling them this packaged tour of Oberon. Not that she was getting off. No way in hell. There was still a ton of systems to check on this rust bucket, and she had to make sure they were all still running before they left the planet. Hopefully, if she gave Amir enough of a heads up, they could get the parts to fix those systems before they left. She buttoned up her coveralls and stepped out of the engine room. There wasn’t too much else to look over there. She had given Amir a basic list of parts she needed to fix the engines, for now. Sure, some of it would be difficult to find, but if they could get the parts, this baby was going to fly better than new. What she didn’t tell Amir was the request for extra fuel wasn’t for her, and that some of the parts on the list were for his arm. If she could do him a small kindness and help make his arm work a bit better, she’d feel a lot better. Amir had taken a huge risk with all of them, and for that Jinxy was thankful. She blushed a bit as she thought about this and then waved her hand in midair. [i][color=6ecff6]”Now is not the time to get all moony over some guy you barely know Melissa. You have a job to do. He’s also former Waegu. That means trouble. However, we did always like trouble. Luckily, we shouldn’t find any. We’re well established as Jinxy. No one is going to find us out.”[/color][/i] Jinxy wandered around and found a med bay and went to check their first. She was hoping to find some records for the ship. She picked up a journal and started flipping through it. It was the doctor’s journal. “October 15, Boarding that ship was a mistake – they were goddamn savages, GA bastards. Tore up Caleb's arm real good, bit me when I stopped my TK for a breather. We all thought Caleb was going to lose an arm, especially Caelum. Can't imagine what it was like, her seeing us all bloodied up in the cargo bay and having to do her job as my assistant. Held it together though – best goddamn surgery I've ever done, even if it took two consecutive shots. Never been able to do telekinetic stitches before.” [i][color=6ecff6]”So their doc was using Psyche. Damn, sounds like they didn’t have it easy at all. Maybe mercenaries? Dunno why you’d have to board a ship otherwise.”[/color][/i] As she flipped through the next couple of pages she started to get more concerned. There was a strange substance, probably Psyche staining the next few pages, and the writing was starting to get illegible in parts. What was legible was written in haste, and not the most grammatically correct. “October 17, Feeling a bit ill a bit antsy. Not myself. Sure it's just the long mission taking a toll have cooking duties since Caleb in recovery bite healing up nicely” Jinxy had to frown. This was sounding terrible. She continued to read on. “October 19 follow up surgery for Caleb cant concentrate without Psyche prescribed anti-depressants to Captain, feeling not himself” “October 20 its space sickness saw too late sorry so sorry” [i][color=6ecff6]”SHIT.”[/color][/i] She slammed the journal shut and rubbed her brow. She tucked the journal into her pocket and went to see if she could find the captain's log and access it. She needed to know more, and right now.