[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZTwg3Xv.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=f7941d][b]Name:[/b][/color] Shinya, Yori or Yori Shinya [color=f7941d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=f7941d][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5’9 (1.75m) [color=f7941d][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 161 lb. (73kg) [color=f7941d][b]Path:[/b][/color] Both. [color=f7941d][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Default unarmed, but competent with various Chinese variants. [color=f7941d][b]Personality:[/b][/color] A fairly, some would say too, laid-back individual. Yori is very much an observer rather than someone who likes to get involved and get his hands dirty. While not adverse to hard work, given his chosen path, it’s not his natural response to most situations. Something has to catch his attention first, or involve his vested interest. Hard to rile up, he maintains his disposition until situations begin to escalate out of hand too fast for his liking. Under those circumstances his laid-back mannerisms disappear and Yori becomes decisive and serious. Unafraid to step on others’ toes if it solves the problem, he demonstrates a brute methodology that clashes with his usual mannerisms. [color=f7941d][b]Biography: [/b][/color]Was it his grandparents or great-grandparents that were survivors of the original Hikari and Kurai conflict? Eh… it didn’t really matter, but essentially martial arts were kind of a big deal for his family. Given they stood as the winners of the conflict, the styles of Hikari were passed down from generation to generation. Yori was no different and his training began at a young age. Yet he was different. The practice of martial arts naturally drew out the Yang in his soul and awakened Yori to his first style of magic. Balance in all things though, and with his expression of one half of the soul the other naturally wished to follow. Instinctively he tapped and drew out the black fire manifestation of his Yin to the surprise of his family. With only old manuals and transcripts to go off of though, Yori was forced to adapt. His Kurai style was nowhere as pure, relying and utilizing the movements of his Hikari style, but as a martial artist he continued to develop. Eventually, the natural thing to do of course was to allow Yori to attend the academy. All the more so since its latest headmaster allowed for both styles. [color=f7941d][b]Martial Art Style[/b][/color] 1.) Bajiquan = [i]A style that uses explosive, short-range power, famous for its elbow strikes. Yori primarily uses this style for offensive purposes, using Baguazhang footwork to move himself into positions that make his strikes all the more deadly. [/i] 2.) Baguazhang: [i]More specifically the Yin Style in which footwork and striking are distinct from one another. Meshes well with his Bajiquan practice, turning the circle into an optimal position, striking quickly, and continuing to move.[/i] [color=f7941d][b]Magic Style [/b][/color] 1.) Light Form = [i]“The ability to undergo a transformation to a powerful light form.” By tapping into the Yang of his soul, Yori is shrouded in a glow of white energy. While in this state he boasts increased defenses and naturally regenerates at a visible pace. His touch can heal if applied properly, but strikes meant to harm will disrupt the flow of energy within his opponents and render them unconscious.[/i] 2.) Dark Form = [i]“The ability to undergo a transformation into a powerful, and more sinister form.” On the other hand, by tapping into the Yin of his soul Yori is covered by what looks like black fire. He strikes harder and faster, and each of his blows drive a portion of these flames into his enemies. The energy eats away from within, disrupting their ability to move at first and even resulting in internal damage. They also naturally burn away at the magic of others, offering him some modicum of magic resistance.[/i] 3.) Yin & Yang: Together as One = [i]Black flames flicker on his arms and legs and within his eyes while a shroud of white energy envelops the rest of his body. The benefits of both forms gathered into one, it puts a heavy strain on Yori to sustain though. His attacks are that much more devastating as both effects materialize, conflict, and rip apart his enemy’s body though. [/i]