[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Character%20Page%20Banners/Earth%20Characters%20-%20Banner_zpskeiobvob.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][i][color=MediumTurquoise]Eliza Brie[/color], [color=BurlyWood]Alan Woodard[/color], [color=OliveDrab]Dominic Greyjoy[/color], [color=DarkBlue]Annalise Brie[/color], [color=LightSeaGreen]Daria Belikov[/color], [color=BlueViolet]Rapunzel[/color], [color=OrangeRed]Jaidyn Beachley[/color], [color=Green]Sebastian Beachley[/color], [color=LightCoral]Morgan Reginald[/color], [color=Lavender]Ireneo Funes[/color], and [color=SaddleBrown]Igor Pechorsky[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [center][h2][i]Present Day - Lake Tahoe, Earth - Part Two[/i][/h2][/center] [i][b]Previously... "Give me a few moments of your time, Detective....and all will be made clear." Dominic reasoned as Morgan turned to head back inside. "Now then. For the more practical of you, I have evidence that will not only correlate with what I've been telling you tonight, but hopefully allow us to reach a goal we've been trying to for over thirteen years." Dominic explained, once more to the group as a whole, planting both hands in his coat pockets.[/b][/i] [hr] Jaidyn couldn’t help the way that his eyes dropped down to the folder that Alan had slammed down on the table in front of Dominic- that was supposed to hold all the answers to the questions that they all seemed to have burning in their minds? It looked so plain, so boring, so… normal. It was like all of the other binders that any of them would have used for work or school if it was ever needed; so what the hell was so different about this one in particular? Furrowing his brows in his own confusion as he tried to sort through the different questions that were bubbling away in his head, he shot a glance to the side and over to the others that were standing around him- Sebastian, Eliza, Daria, the detective whom he hadn’t officially met yet, the quiet blonde who had a substantial amount of hair, the guy who was completely silent while in the wheelchair and the one standing behind him who looked as though he worked at the lodge, Dominic, Eliza’s little sister-… Was that a look between her and her sister’s boyfriend? Clenching his jaw tightly for a few moments as he shoved the thoughts to the side so that he could discuss them later on with his brother, Jaidyn lifted his hand up from his side to lightly rub at the back of his neck as he pushed himself away from the railing, slowly letting his feet carry him forward until he eventually came to a complete stop in front of the table that the folder was resting on, his brilliant sea-blue eyes dropping down to stare at it for a few moments before reaching out to pick it up, the pages bending slightly as he let the cover flick out from under his thumb so that he could look at everything that was written inside, his brows furrowing with each page that he flicked through until he came to a stop, his heart seeming to sink low in his chest as he stared down at a couple of pictures of himself; one as a young boy, and the other more recent, “..Eric Bourdelle..?” Snapping his head up after a few moments so that Jaidyn’s gaze met with Dominic’s searching for some kind of confirmation that what he was reading was true before turning to face his brother, his feet taking a couple of steps towards him as he motioned to the folder before looking back down at it completely, “If what they’re saying is true; then according to this… my name is actually Eric, and that I’m some prince of a place called The Southern Isles- I’ve never even heard of it.” “I’ve heard of it- but it isn’t a real place Jaidyn.” Eliza hesitated for a few moments before she made her way over to where the two of them were standing by the railing again, her arms wrapping over her chest as she quickly shot a glance down at the folder before looking between the two boys, “The Southern Isles is a place in that Disney movie ‘Frozen’; it’s the place that the villain comes from, I think his name is Hans, or something like that. I have the movie in my room with the rest of the movies in my collection.” Daria trained her attention on Jaidyn when he started to speak as he looked through the file. Prince Eric... Her curiosity won out and she walked over to him and looked at the file as well. Slowly, she flipped the pages until she saw her own picture, her other hand holding her necklace tightly. She stared at the picture, she was in the clothes she had been found in. A gold scarf and a blue beaded dress of sorts which was far too cold for Russia.... Her eyes slowly drifted up to the name, a name she was somewhat expecting to see. "Jasmine Singh," She said quietly, "Princess of Agrabah..." She shook her head, "None of these places actually exist. Did the two of you just decide to stalk us and felt like putting a Disney twist on it to make it fun and delightful? Make our lives a joke?" As much as she wanted answers... As much as she was trying to get Eliza to listen to her uncle. This was too far. Had her home been a real geographical place maybe she wouldn't be getting upset but now she was just starting to feel like they were playing with them. Toying with them. She wouldn't exactly put it past Alan. Maybe this was just some big magic trick he felt like playing. Got the photos from the uncle and since none of them had actually said when they were found, just deciding it must be the same because they were told it was... Rapunzel stepped forward and placed her hands on Daria's arm, "Hey... Benefit of the doubt, right? Wasn't that just what you were telling Eliza?" "Ya... Well, that was before I realized these two creeps have been stalking all of us..." Daria hissed, pulling her arm back. "Me next! Me next!" Sebastian nearly vaulted himself over the table that was placed between himself and the table where the group was slowly starting to congregate. He couldn't help it. As completely unrealistic as this all was, a surge of excitement began to flood his veins, spiking his attention disorder he had a cap on since their arrival and his next scheduled medicated time wasn't for another few hours thanks to the time zone change. Jet lag? What jet lag? Sebastian felt completely and entirely alive for those few moments as he finally made his way through the group, having to push some people aside a bit in his efforts. "Prince Eric, huh? Sebastian asked, looking towards his brother for a second before he started to flip through the binder, expecting to find his picture either right before or right after Jaidyn's considering their family ties but he was unable to find it in either place. Not letting that perturb him, he kept looking. "The only Eric I know in the Disney-verse is from The Little Mermaid, the fish banger..." Sebastian paused to give his brother a dirty look, though with a twisted sort of smile. "Thought you were riding those sea waves a bit hard." Sebastian chuckled and elbowed his brother in the ribs a few times before his attention fell on his own picture towards the front of the binder. Another spike through his system, though this time it wasn't excitement. Sebastian wasn't actually even sure what it was - it was hard to read over the words in his state but the very first word was all he needed before reality began to set in on him. "Peter..." Sebastian felt his jaw hanging open for a bit, his posture straightening up as he met eyes with his brother as though he held the answers. "Pan..." he then finished, and then with a quick, unpredictable flailing of his arms, Sebastian awkwardly pointed to his rib-cage where he knew his brother would know rested the ink of a very particular tattoo Sebastian had done on his eighteenth birthday, and then flailed his arms again at his brother, expecting yet again an explanation. "Unless my ex-girlfriends have been talking to someone... you're the only one that knows, Jai..." Prince Eric..? The Little Mermaid..? Argh, his brothers words made his stomach churn in pure disgust at the very thought that he was supposed to somehow fall in love with a fish-woman. This was just all too much; yeah, so he had a thing for being in the water and on the beach, it didn’t mean he was going to fall in love with a mythical creature and then run some octopus Lady through the chest with the bowsprit of a damn ship. It was some joke… it [i]had[/i] to be a joke- he’d give it to them though, they had all put a lot of damn effort into getting all the little things right, like the pictures of when they were all young… it must have taken them a while to track them all down and convince their parents to get in on the gag. “Dude; there is no way that I’m going to run off into the sunset after marrying some mermaid- I love fish, but not that much Seb, and you know it.” He was trying; oh Gods was he trying, but eventually he just couldn’t hold it in any longer- Jaidyn’s lips split into a huge grin as the sound of his laughter began to fill the area around them, his arms dropping back down to his sides so that his hands were able to once more slip into the recesses of his pockets, his head shaking lightly from side to side in his amusement at his brothers actions in front of him. Sebastian was acting as though he had all the answers to their questions, when in reality Jaidyn was just as clueless as the rest of them were- but the thought that his brother was supposedly the one character he had idolized as a child was more than ironic, “Hey Seb… [i]to die would be an awfully big adventure[/i]; don’t you think? Heh, so I’m related to the infamous Peter Pan- think I’m good enough to become one of the lost boys? Or are you going to fly off and get a thimble from dear old Wendy?” "You shutup!" Sebastian yelled back at his brother. This wasn't funny. [i]None[/i] of this was funny anymore. All his life he had been searching for answers as to where he had come from and sure, most of the time he was the care-free kid who loved nothing more than to screw around and make light of hard circumstances but this... where he came from... it had always been a raw nerve hidden deep within the fun-house that was Sebastian Beachley. But he wasn't Sebastian Beachley, not really. Though he wasn't exactly hot on the trail of starting to call himself Peter Pan just yet, it was the only damn thing that was making any sense in his life... and that scared him just a little bit. Dominic's expression became stoic, like stone as he watched a few of the now-grown children come up to read their file...and react with varying degrees of disbelief. “[i]Open different doors, you may find a you there that you never knew was yours.[/i] Anything can happen.” He recited once, simply, concisely, looking on the group as the words seemed to echo off his lips. A quote, from Mary Poppins of all places, but it didn't fit any better than it did now. "You're scared and confused...I know you are. But please, keep an open mind. Read between the lines, know that [i]this[/i] is your heritage." Dominic added soberly, reaching a hand up to cup his chin. Rapunzel shook her head at Daria's outburst before she glanced over at the folder. There seemed to be pictures of the other's missing years... Maybe... Maybe there were something to fill the empty void that was her memory. She walked over to the folder and looked at the brothers, "May I?" She asked quietly before taking the binder from them and flipping through the pages. Daria rose an eyebrow, "You really need to look to see who you are, [i]Rapunzel[/i]." The blonde looked at the girl, who seemed to go from a hopeful optimistic to rather irritated about it all. She supposed she could understand that... There was a difference between blind faith and accepting facts, especially when those facts seemed more fictitious than anything. Rapunzel shook her head, "I've just... never seen a picture of myself." She buried her nose back in the book until she found a picture of the girl she had seen in the mirror. It was... strange, looking at the unmoving picture of herself. What was crazier was the sheer amount of hair that she had. She had thought it long before, when it was trailing on the ground behind her.... But in the photo, it trailed behind her and hung from the banister, it raced up stairs and lay of the floor. There was only one other photo of herself, sitting just below the first. Curled up in the arms of what she assumed to be her mother, a man, her father, with his hands on the woman's shoulders. Rapunzel bit her lip. She knew her story despite not remembering her history... They never really knew her. Robbed from her cradle when she was just a babe... They knew as much about her as she did them. She pulled the baby picture from the file and looked up at Dominic, "May I?" "Yes, yes, of course." Dominic replied quickly, motioning for Rapunzel to have free ownership of the picture. He otherwise remained silent, his gaze stern and heavy as he kept a close eye on each of them, hoping maybe, [i]maybe[/i] for that one shred of hope. Annalise stood in the back silently as the others started to look at the file that was laid out before them, hearing some of their reactions, such as Jaidyn's, as she watched him looking over his own file. She heard him say his real name, Eric Bourdelle, and where he was actually from, a place called The Southern Isles. Annalise quickly thought it was a huge joke, she shook her head looking over at her sister Eliza as she explained that the place was actually from the movie Frozen. "This really and truly has to be a joke, if what you are saying is true then..." Annalise pointed over towards Sebastian. "Then he would have to have the ability to fly around or something, right?" Annalise asked. Taking a few steps forward, she looked over towards her friends then looking over towards Rapunzel, watching her look down at her own file for a few moments. "Mind if I take a look?" Annalise asked in a soft tone before she slowly took the file away and took a few steps back, looking over towards Daria as she stood next to her friend. Quickly flipping through everyone else's files until she found her own and quietly read through it, her eyes looking down to some of the pictures, one of them was of her when she was five years old, without the white streak of hair she always had... "Anna Bryndís, Princess of Arendelle.." Annalise said to herself, remembering watching the movie Frozen herself with her sister, and opened the next page to see that Eliza was there as well. She looked over towards her sister before putting the file back down, knowing how Eliza would react. "You were all brought here, to this realm - to Earth, to escape a dark and terrible fate that befell your home, The Fairy Tale Realm. We four: Igor, Funes, Alan and myself were assigned as Guardians, to watch over each of you until the time was right for you to return home and claim what once was yours." Turning towards the rather impressively sized folder, Dominic began to dexterously flip through the pages, eyes rapidly scanning each one until it reached its destination, a series of pages near the far back, as inconspicuous and unassuming as the rest. Yet as he reached the page, he treated it with immense care, as though it contained priceless artifacts from an ancient time. "This is the last piece of evidence I have for you." Dominic spoke up once more, his voice turning serious, almost reverent. "These pages contain any lasting sentiments or artifacts from your family and friends back home. You may look and examine as you will." Dominic added before receding from the table, allowing the group to come up and look as they wished. The sudden change in the atmosphere around him caused Jaidyn to shift slightly where he stood, his arms crossing tighter over his chest for only a moment before they dropped back to his sides. There was something different now than there was before… the way that Dominic was talking; the tone of his voice, the word he chose to use, the posture of his body, the look on his face… it made it all just feel that much more final- maybe this wasn’t all a joke after all… The thought had Jaidyn second guessing everything that he had ever known, but then… could they really blame the others and him for believing that everything that they said had been a joke? The Fairy Tale realm… Mermaids… Evil Queen … darkness and destruction… Princes and Princesses… it was everything that made up a great fairytale or Disney movie, and because of that, it was also a lot for someone to take in, let alone take seriously enough to believe any of it... Unable to help but hesitate for a few moments as he tried to shake the nagging feeling in his mind that told him to believe everything being said to him, Jaidyn made his way over to where the folder had been left on the table, his bright sea-blue eyes flicking over the things lain out on top of it before they came to rest on a slightly yellowed envelope. Eric Bourdelle. The name was written clearly and precisely in beautiful penmanship that obviously belonged to a woman. It was so… familiar; like he had seen it before, but couldn’t pick out just where from. Quickly shooting a glance over his shoulder at his brother for only a second, he reached out and picked the envelope up from the table, lifting it up in front of him, staring at it for what felt like a lifetime before he flipped it over in his hand, his eyes lingering upon the red seal on the back before he broke it and pulled out the contents, his jaw dropped only slightly as his eyes flicked over the words written over the page he held. “..this really isn’t a joke… is it..?” Lowering the letter down slightly as he lifted his head up so that he was once more looking at Dominic, Jaidyn stared at him in slight disbelief before he once more returned back to the letter that he now knew had come from his mum… his [i]real[/i] mum… her words seeming to just confirm everything that had been spoken out loud for them to hear. His whole life he had thought that he had known exactly who he was- thought that he had been happy not knowing about his real family because he already had one; one that loved and supported him, and who was there every step of the way… but now the opportunity was there… Frowning slightly as his eyes read over a particular sentence towards the end of the letter, he turned the envelope over completely; his eyes widening slightly something cold and hard fell out onto the table, the ring like object held fast on a black cord. Shifting so that he was holding all the paper in one hand, he reached out to pick it up, wrapping the black cord around his hand, “..it’s… my families royal seal...” Rapunzel was surprised that she spotted an envelope with her own name on it. She hadn't expected to have any last sentiments from her parents... They didn't even know if she was alive... She stepped forward and took the letter into her hands, staring at her name. It was in a woman's writing... Her mother's. Turning it over, she broke the seal and removed the letter from inside. Her eyes took in the writing of her mother and her wishful thinking, praying that she would be reunited with her baby girl again. There was another picture inside, a picture of the sky lit up with paper lanterns. Her mother had mentioned how they were for her. She stared the picture for a long while, there was a faint and distant memory of seeing the lanterns but didn't know where or when. Looking back at the envelope, she reached in and pulled out a long necklace. At the center there was a small purple pendant with yellow sun on it. She stared at it for a long while. Finally, she let out a long exhale as she blinked back any tears. She had been lost for the last year and now it seemed like she had never really been with her family... Not her true one. Going back with the guardians meant that she might be able to reunite her family again... Her parents deserved that... Annalise stared at Dominic as he pulled out a series of envelopes one with each of their names on it, seeing how he was handling them she assumed that they contained delicate items. Crossing her arms over her chest Annalise watched Jaidyn grabbing an envelope with his name on it, and watched Rapunzel reaching for the one with her name on it as well. As curious as she was Annalise took a step closer to her friend seeing the letter as well as a long necklace in it. She took a few steps forward Annalise reached for the envelope with her name on it and opened it. Dumping the contents of it was a small box one half of it was purple and the other half was green with a symbol of a golden flower in the middle of it. The crest seemed to be oddly familiar to her she opened it up inside contained a small ring with the same exact crest on it. Inspecting the ring Annalise rolled the ring around in her fingers as she inspected it. Along the band of the ring Annalise could see her real name inscribed in very intricate and delicate writing also had her parents names inscribed into it. Annalise had a shocked look on her face as she started to remember that it had her kingdom's crest on it. Her eyes looking along the rest of the group and then over towards her sister. The more she thought about it the more Annalise thought that this whole thing was actually real. Daria reluctantly approached the envelopes before she grabbed the one addressed to her. Opening it, she found a letter, like the first two. However, unlike the others, her own was written in a language that she didn't understand. The letter looked more like a piece of art over a beautiful sentiment to an estranged child. Shaking her head, she folded the useless letter up and reached into the envelope again as she felt something resting at the bottom. Grabbing it, she pulled out a long blue ribbon with the largest sapphire she had ever seen in the center. She gasped, by simply looking at it she could tell the gem was real. There was no way that Elsa's uncle or Alan would have gone to any extent to try and get something so expensive for a prank. She ran her finger of the gem and shook her head. It was exactly like the one from the movie... She laughed a little before she wove it through her hair. Looking at herself in the reflection of the window, she thought that... maybe this was all real... There was only a single letter left. And it wasn't even a letter really, more like a thin package you would expect to come through the mail that would otherwise be too big for a standard envelope, but too small for a true package. Sebastian stepped forward, still feeling that frantic beating of his heart against his rib cage, and picked up the packaged envelope. Tilting it, Sebastian held out his hand, feeling the contents inside sliding down to the opening and stopping once it reached his palm. He could feel his fingers beginning to tremble, but his curiosity won out in the end, forcing them to pull the envelope up, allowing the contents of the package to fall neatly into his hand. For a moment, Sebastian just stared, his brows furrowing in confusion as he looked over what looked like a wad of thick jungle leaves though slowly, the leaves began to unfold themselves, forced outward by creases he didn't know existed until the wad of just leaves actually began to take on the semblance of a child's hat, folded in half. A small, red feather, perhaps belonging to a tropical parrot, pierced through the leaf-made hat but more interesting than that, the hollow shaft of the feather also kept in place a small piece of paper, though upon sight he knew it wasn't exactly paper at all; more like very thin tree bark. Gently setting the envelope aside on the surface of the table behind him without looking at it, Sebastian's hand came to the hat, pulling out the red feather and with it, the small note that had been attached. There was writing on it, the sight in itself causing his heart to leap into his throat rendering him unable to speak. It was messy, blotchy black ink, and hard to read, but it was indeed a message. A message to [i]him[/i]. [center][i]Can you smell that? That's the smell of someone who has ridden the back of the wind, Peter. The smell of endless fun summers, with sleeping in trees and adventures with Indians and Pirates. Oh remember, Peter? The world was ours. We could do everything or nothing. All it had to be was anything 'cause it was always us. ~ You know that place between asleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always be, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting. ~ I believe in you, Peter. Now, just one more time, I need you to believe in me. Tink[/i][/center] It wasn't until he read over the words in his mind three times did Sebastian began to consciously become aware of a distinct smell. When he had first opened up the package, his subconscious had assumed the aroma had been from the old packaging envelope itself, or the waxy seal that kept it together at the top. It wasn't at all unpleasant, though not quite savory either - simply it was just too faint to be able to tell heads or tails out of it, but once Sebastian understood that it came from the hat, it all began to make sense. Unable to help himself, Sebastian brought the hat up to his nose, taking in a deep, slow breath. His eyes closed as his mind tried to make sense of the familiar smells, but before he could, something from within the folded up hat slipped through and fell to the floor, making a strange, hollow-sounding [i]clink[/i]. His eyes opened and his head tilted downwards, spotting the object at his feet though it was hard to tell what it was in the dark. Slowly, almost as if he were afraid to, Sebastian squatted down onto his haunches and picked it up. There, being held within his fingertips, was a child-sized, crudely made pan flute kept together only with what looked like bits and pieces of twine. He couldn't bring himself to look away from it, however, as though there were some deep, magical connection between it and he. A history. Scrunching up the hat a bit in his opposite hand, he maneuvered it to hold onto the other side as though it were the most natural thing to do. Of course he had seen pan flutes before - his wide musical almost-career having exposed him to many different instruments, however he had never held one before. At least... he didn't think he had. The weight of the instrument was light, much lighter than how it looked and yet he couldn't bring it in himself to be surprised. His fingertips began to tingle, followed closely by his lower lip - a muscle memory he didn't even know he had. "Never say goodbye." Sebastian said out loud, though more to himself than to those around him. He didn't understand where the words were coming from, but they tumbled from his tongue as though there were his own at one point... some time ago... "Because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." Bringing the pan flute to his lower lip, the leafy hat still clenched in his palm pressing against the instrument, Sebastian ran his lip back and forth over the pipes a few times before taking a small breath, and began to blow as he stood up straight again. A song began to form after a few random notes, until finally, a full-fledged, obviously practiced [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnzTLOdaaGA&index=19]tune[/url] came from the pan flute. In that moment, no one else existed. In that moment, Sebastian wasn't even on the balcony, being watched by his peers. There was only him and the music. His eyes remained closed all the while though the passion that would have otherwise been held within them reigned prominent upon his features. Halfway through, a single tear rolled down his cheek, catching the light of the moon until it caught on the strong line of his jaw and splashed down onto the shoulder cuff of his green suit jacket. After finishing, he paused before letting his eyes slowly open, revealing the unshed tears left behind within them. Taking a moment, coming back from whatever place he had just been taken to, his eyes found that of Jaidyn's. "I want to go home." Jaidyn couldn’t help the way that his hand clenched tightly around the black cord that held the ring as the beautiful melody from the pan flute floated around the balcony. His eyes shutting tightly for a few moments as he felt a quick sting run through them, giving him plenty of warning that if he didn’t do anything to stop them, tears would threaten to bubble over and run down his cheeks- his grip on the cord relaxing and his head turning so that he was looking over at his brother as the extremely beautiful melody came to a close, his own bright sea-blue eyes seemingly glazed over with the tears that he was holding back himself as he met with Sebastian’s gaze; his head nodding lightly up and down in agreement with his brother, showing him that he knew that going home was the only right thing for them to do… at least, for the two of them anyway. “..I know; I wanna go home too. And we will- I promise Seb.” Dropping his left arm down to his side, Jaidyn turned and closed the gap that was left between the both of them, his right arm coming up to wrap tightly around Sebastian’s back, pulling him close against himself in a hug. This wasn’t a joke… not anymore- it was their lives… and he was going to sacrifice anything to make sure that he and his brother were happy again. Holding the embrace for just a few seconds longer, Jaidyn relaxed his arm from around him, his hand coming around to cup Sebastian’s neck as he lent in closer to him; his forehead pressing lightly against that of his brothers before he stood himself up straight at his side again, his attention turning over to where Dom stood silently watching on, “..we wanna go home, sir… please, take my brother and I back where we belong…” Dominic couldn't help but smile softly at the varied reactions from each of them as they saw their respective mementos and gifts from their families. It had worked...after thirteen long years. "Don't worry, we'll [i]all[/i] be heading home soon. Each Guardian is equipped with an amulet capable of opening a portal from this realm to ours. Events required me to use mine recently and it won't be ready for another use for another few hours. For now, though, feel free to talk among yourselves and look through all the files if you'd like to. You've a lot to catch up on." Dominic finished, the smile never once leaving his grizzled features. Morgan crossed her arms tighter over her chest as she listened to everything that was going on around her. They were all completely off their rockers. They were willing to listen to the crazed ramblings of a raving old man and a car thief, over the cold hard facts of reality. Shaking her head as she took a couple of steps backwards, she kept her already cold and hard gaze locked on Dominic- she had lost every bit of respect for him that she had ever possessed, and the others were quickly losing her interest as well. They were all nuts. “Sir. You say you have proof, but any of that- maybe even [i]all[/i] of that could have been forged and faked. And to be honest, I cannot believe that you’ve managed to convince and scam everyone else that’s here tonight.” Letting her disapproving gaze slowly glide over each and every person who was out on the balcony, Morgan shook her head once more before she turned and started walking back towards the door, her voice monotonous and with a cold edge to it as she spoke, “My apologies to everyone here, but I bid you all a good night. I cannot afford to stand around here and be sucked into your crazed delusions. Hope you enjoy the rest of your party…” Pulling open the door the moment that she reached it, Morgan quickly shot another disapproving glare back at them all from over her shoulder before she slipped herself through the door and disappeared into the crowd on the other side of the glass, leaving the group standing one less on the balcony. The sound of someone speaking out almost everything that was going through her mind caught her attention, causing Eliza to lift her head up and watch as the detective quickly called them all out and said her farewell before leaving. She wanted to follow after her; to walk through the door and to just disappear into the crowd as if none of this had happened, but she just couldn’t… this was her family… these were the people she loved, and as much as she wanted to call them out on their slightly crazed behavior… she wanted to believe in everything that they were saying- she just couldn’t. Biting softly upon her lower lip, Eliza hesitated for a few moments where she stood on her own by the railing, her stomach muscles tensing and her hands tightening the grip they had over the bottom of her dress as she tried turned her attention back to all the others in front of her- Jaidyn and Sebastian; they believed with all their hearts, she could see it in their eyes… Anna, Daria, and even that girl with the long hair; they all believed as well… so why couldn’t she..? Shutting her brilliant ice-blue eyes for a few moments as she shook her head lightly from side to side, Eliza slowly turned her back to the group before she began to move away down the balcony- she needed space… time to think… none of this was making any sense to her. Reaching the far end of the balcony, Eliza brought her hands up, letting them rest softly upon the railing as she looked out over the view lain out before her; a gentle sigh escaping through her lips as her eyes came to a rest upon the moonlit and snow-covered mountain that was looming overhead. She wasn’t like the others; she couldn’t believe in things like magic, and portals, and pixie dust… Dominic couldn't help but sigh as Morgan, staunch in her stubbornness, left the group, still unwilling to take that leap of faith - to believe. However, not letting one loss hurt the morale of the group, Dominic looked to them, that brilliant smile once more returning to his careworn features. "Now then, we all will meet back here tomorrow afternoon around four o'clock. Our amulets should have enough power then to let us return home. You may continue to look through the folder if you wish, but if not then you are free to return to the festivities for the evening." Dominic bid, sounding almost like some kind of glorified tour guide leading a bored group of high school students. His eye caught onto Eliza as she separated herself from the rest of them, not as quick to believe as the rest of them were...she was ever the practical one. Moving away with a hurried, "Excuse me" Dominic approached his adopted niece slowly, letting both hands fall to his pockets yet again. Not stopping until he was right beside her at the edge of the balcony, Dominic initially said nothing, doing as she was and overlooking the view. "It's a lot to take in, isn't it...?" He asked, though the phrasing of his question implied he already knew the answer to that.