[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Audrey%20Rocio%20Ramirez%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsifqtn6xm.gif[/img] [h1][color=Sienna]Audrey Ramirez[/color][/h1] [h2][color=Sienna]Present Day ~ Fairy Tale World ~ Province[/color][/h2][/center] [color=Sienna]Late… she was running late, [i]extremely[/i] late- she was going to be in trouble when she finally got home. Her sister was going to kill her for keeping her waiting for so long, but what else was she going to do? She had had no other choice in the matter… there had been a mistake, a major screw up by one of her crew, and as the chief mechanic, she was the only one who was considered skilled enough to fix it- the King’s own words. If she didn’t, she would have been screwed worse than she already was. Estúpido... Just because she was more advanced than those who he had charged under her care… She huffed out a sigh, her hand coming up to roughly slip back through her hair, pushing it back off of her face so that she could get a better look at what she was doing as she made her way down the cobblestone streets of Province, her dark brown orbs flicking over to the house that she was able to call her own as she grew closer and closer to it, her feet carrying up to the front door where she nervously paused, bracing herself for her sister’s wrath… tonight was not going to be getting any better, at least, not this moment anyway… “Audrey! Usted estúpida puta! You know that I have an important match tonight, you did this to me on purpose!” She hadn’t even been able to grab the handle before the door swung open and her older sister was in her face about being late. She knew that it had been coming, knew that she was going to have to face her sooner or later, but right now she was too tired, and too busy to deal with her sisters crap. Shaking her head softly from side to side, she turned her body slightly so that she could slip past her and into the house, not even bothering to give her a second glance as she headed further inside, her eyes searching around for something, or someone that she couldn’t see. “Alright, nice to see you too, Nena… keeping your anger bottled up and ready for the ring I see. Look, I don’t have time for you to lecture me, and neither do you, so why don’t you just tell me where she is, and then get out of here…” “Tienes suerte de que ella está aquí…” She didn’t even bother flinching as she heard the sound of the front door slamming shut somewhere behind her, though she wasn’t about to deny the fact that it annoyed the hell out of her- if her sister’s rash actions woke her up… She closed her eyes for only a moment as she tried her best to keep her temper under control. Her sister was a special case- she could both make her calm and get her to show a happier side of herself that she hadn’t in many years… or she could pull the opposite effect on her altogether by sending her anger spiraling out of control; right now, she was having the latter effect… “O que? Huh? You going to beat me down- you going to leave her with even less familia than she already has?” She couldn’t remember doing it, but she had turned to face her sister- their bodies close against one another’s as they stared each other down, neither one of them giving any signs that they would be backing away from the other any time soon. It hadn’t always been like this; they hadn’t always been at each others throats- their temper was inherited, that much they both knew for a fact, but since they had moved to Province all those years ago… they had attempted to reign it all in, if only for the sake of their new familia- no, their [i]only[/i] familia, “Go on- do it… but you can’t can you, [i]Nyah[/i]. Heh, eres patético; you won’t risk losing another siste-…” She couldn’t help but flinch- her sentence cut completely short as she felt a sharp pain shoot through her cheekbone, forcing her head to the side with the force that had so suddenly hit against it, the sheer power behind the blow causing the skin to split apart and a cool trickling sensation to slowly make its way down her face from where she knew she had been injured. She had actually hit her… it wasn’t a first, the two of them had gotten into several fights in the past; though it was the first time that Nena had ever become violent towards her at the mention of their late sister. Lifting her hand up from her side as she straightened herself up slightly, she pressed the tips of her fingers against her cheek where she could feel the most pain, her hand lowering down slightly and her head turning to look in its direction until she was able to see just how hard her sister had punched, the sight of the bright and fresh crimson blood staining her fingertips causing her jaw to clench. “Fuera…” “A-Audrey, please-… I didn't mean it- come on, you know that…” She could see it clearly in her sister’s eyes; she regretted punching her the moment that she had completed the action. But it didn’t matter anymore, the damage was done and there was no taking it back now, no matter how much Nena may have wanted to do just that. Now there was only one thing that she wanted, and that was for her sister to leave; she had things that she had to do, and the longer that she was there, the longer she was just going to stand around arguing about stupid mistakes and a past life that always caused a fight to break out, "..Kiara..." “I said get out!” She didn’t even bother to watch- she couldn’t, she was too angry. Instead she listened. Waiting until she heard the sound of the door closing behind her sister before she even thought about relaxing in the silence of the hallway- her shoulders slumping ever so slightly as she turned her back on the door, her feet carrying her further into the house that she was able to call her own. Her sister had crossed the line- no, she had destroyed the line completely; and it was just pure luck that she had other priorities on her mind that didn’t involve Nina hanging around the house with her. Slowing down her pace as she drew into the lounge area, she allowed her dark brown eyes to scan the area, seemingly searching for something before they finally came to a stop on what looked like a pile of blankets, however the small mess of tangled brown locks poking out from underneath them let her know that she had indeed found what it was that she had been looking for; the very sight of her daughter sleeping calmly upon the cushions, bringing a small though undeniably loving smile to her lips- she looked so peaceful, so content; her own little piece of heaven right here in front of her… It was time for her to go to bed. Her little Elaina… her precious little world. Moving around the couch so that she was standing in front of her daughter, she reached out towards her as her body leant over slightly, her fingers light as she brushed them over the child’s forehead, brushing her fringe back and off of her sweet face so that she could see her properly- her arms slowly sliding down the child’s body before wrapping around her as gently as she could manage; careful not to wake her daughter from the sweet dreams she could only imagine that she was having as she lifted her up from the cushions she had been resting on, pausing for a moment as the child began to stir before she held her protectively against her chest, “My Elaina… time for bed my precious and beautiful baby girl…” “..she looks so much like her father; not that I’m saying she doesn’t look like you…” The voice, though she had been expecting to hear it soon enough, still caused her to jump slightly and to turn around in her surprise to face the large man that stood in front of her with his hands shoved deep into the recesses of his pockets; a small though ever saddened smile crossing over her lips and pain flashing across her features for only a moment at the mention of the father of her child. It had been four years since he left her on her own- she hadn’t even found out that she had been expecting until long after he had been gone… but ever since then, the rest of the team had all taken it upon themselves to help her out as much as they could, even when she didn’t want or need it, “It’s fine… I know what you mean Sweets- I look at her sometimes and all I can see is him; it used to hurt, but it gets better with every day that goes by…“ “..it’s been four years since he left you; he’s gone Audrey, he isn’t coming back- don’t you maybe think that it’s time you moved on? You deserve to be happy.” She couldn’t help the small bout of protective hesitance in her actions as he reached forward to take the sleeping child, her arms finally relaxing enough to allow him to separate the mother and child so that she was once more able to move around freely, her hand coming up to rub exhaustively at her face for a moment before she shook her head softly from side to side in response to his question. Why did people feel the need to point out what they believed others to be deserving of? Was it some sort of weird illness that had no possible cure, or was is just because people were too nosy to but out of other people’s business… either way, she didn’t have the luxury for things like happy endings- in her experience, they just didn’t exist. “Whether you think I deserve it or not, it doesn’t matter- my sister was happy, and you know as well as the others what happened to her… I [i]was[/i] happy, remember? And he left me; sailed away with promises to come back, and he broke each and every one.” She didn’t have time for any of this; much like her sister, she was running late, and if she left it for too much longer she was going to be left out of the running altogether. Crossing her arms over her stomach so that she could grab hold and pull her top up and off over her head as she turned and made her way across the room, she balled it up in her hands before tossing it through the door that led into her room ahead of her as she continued to make her way towards it, her body leaning over slightly to snatch up the tight leather top that she had gotten out for herself earlier that morning in the hope that it would help to save time, “And look at where that left me- do not get me wrong, I would never complain about being a mother, I love her more than anything; but I barely get time to spend with her, Gaston has me working sunrise to long past the sun setting, and what I get is still not enough to support our familia…” “You know that we’re willing to help you out as much as you need us to; all you have to do it as-…” “No- I don’t like charity. I’ll earn my own way, and I will support my familia on my own.” She cut him off before he could even finish his sentence- she knew exactly what it was that he was saying to her, but there was no way she was going to accept their help. She could support her familia without their help, what kind of a mother would she be if she couldn’t do things on her own? Clenching her jaw for only a few moments at the thought of having to look her baby girl in the eyes if she ever failed to provide for her, she dropped her attention down to her hands as she tugged roughly on the bottom of her top, making sure that it was covering her properly before she slipped her hands up behind her neck, fastening the leather straps tightly as she let her attention turn back to where Sweets was standing cradling Elaina in his arms, “..speaking of which, I have to go- it’s high stakes, and once I win, I’ll be able to get her something special… I’ll be back once I’m done, I don’t know how long it will be tonight.” “Your stubbornness continues to astound me- is everyone like that where you come from?” “Oh you have no idea…” She couldn’t help the gentle chuckle that fell from her lips as she began to make her way back through the house and out the front door, though unlike her sister before her she did all that she could to shut it softly, not wanting to wake the sleeping child that still remained in the arms of the doctor safely within the four walls of their home- her hand slipping down into her back pocket to pull her gloves out as she began to make her way back down the cobblestone roads, her dark eyes flicking down to her hands every so often as she tugged on the leather finger-less gloves that she usually took with her when they were out on a job. If she won tonight, she was going to take the morrow off work so that she could spend time with Elaina… now she just had to hope that there wouldn’t be any interruptions to her night- the last thing she needed was Isabella and the rest of the Knights showing up to ruin her plans… [/color]