[@Kurisa][@Kitsune][@AbigailTenshi][@Oblivion666][@Axel][@rusty4297] Kyoichi simply nodded when the acting head captain called out their next action. Following along, he shunpo'ed to the specific location as well. Upon arrival, he took a look to see that almost everyone that was with them earlier had arrived. [color=0072bc]"Very well. Captain Shuiji and Yoshimatsuto is it ok for me to set up a temporary communication station in order to reach out to more shinigamis that are still alive out there from all the various squads? From the looks of it we will need all the bodies we can find, working towards the same cause. However, with my plan, one possible drawback is the fact that we will be communicating on all wavelengths available to us. This means that the enemy, whoever they are, would be able to tap in on that too... At this point, I have no solutions to that problem. If you two allow me to do so, please help me with a solution to that problem..."[/color]