Viva sniffled and wiped her eyes as she tried to pull herself back together while also trying to eat the chocolate quickly and savor it at the same time. Noah ran a tight ship and didn't see much cause for lingering groundside if it wasn't for a job. Viva often wondered if he felt vulnerable on land, she certainly got antsy after a while, but still it was nice to take some R&R and go shopping... it had been far too long since she'd enjoyed something as nice as real chocolate. [I]"So whats his name?" Loire asked, looking over at Valko. "And yours for the matter, we sorta skipped the introductions what with you kidnapping me and all."[/i] "Right, right," She said chuckling wetly, "Sorry again. About that." "My name is Viva," She continued, gesturing with the half eaten candy bar, "Viva Crux. And he's Val-er Valko really. He doesn't really care for strangers calling him that, though he may make an acception with you saving his life and all. Or he might try and insist that you call him The Wolf. Its some stupid nickname thing he and Noah came up with as kids. You'd think they'd of grown out of it by now, but they take it super seriously so just- ya know- forget I ever brought that up." She took another bite out of the candy bar, closing her eyes as she chewed and rolled the sweet chocolate in her mouth. [I]"You have any idea when your captain might drop me off ... or throw me out the airlock if that's the alternative?" he asked.[/i] "Oh you don't really, you- Noah wouldn't," She stopped to swallow turned to look at the doctor earnestly, "Look, you don't know Noah all that well, but I wasn't kidding when I said that you'd earned kudo points for saving Val..." "I'm not gonna say it's an empty threat," Viva continued looking away to where her brother's chest continued to rise and fall, "Noah- both he and Val- they'd do a lot of things if they think something's a threat... But for now, I'd say you don't have to worry about an airlock. Noah can be a reasonable guy." "But it's safe to say that as long as I'm at the helm of the Lucidae there will be nobody throwing anybody out of the airlock on my watch," She gave the doctor a short smile that was edging towards impishness, "After all, I know all the override codes." Stuffing the last bite into her mouth she stood up, "As far as dropping you off, that might be a while." She gave her brother one last lingering look, reaching over to give his unwounded arm a short squeeze before making for the door, "Come on Doc. I'll give you the grand tour and find you a place to bunk before I go and kick Noah out of my chair."