[center]RULES[/center] [indent][list] [*] Read [i]all[/i] of these and pay attention to texts [color=fff200][b]in this color[/b][/color] from myself or other co-gm's. that's the official shit like warnings and updates, all serious business. [*] Conflict in and out of character is unavoidable. settle it peacefully and don't be rude. [*] No oc's, all of my apologies. [*] OP characters or ones that don't mesh with the plot will have to be nerfed, but if you need help with that just ask. [*] Wait for two people to post in between yours. [*] Good grammar and spelling would be cool, but I can understand if you struggle with it for whatever reason. [*] DO NOT take control of another person's character in [i]any[/i] way at all. [*] Leave an ⚓ somewhere on your character app. [*] Ask before you physically attack someone. Make sure that you're wording your attacks as 'swung at' rather than 'punched' so the other person can decide how their character responds to this. [*] If you're on the other side of an attack, play responsibly while considering your character's abilities. You can't evade [i]every[/i] aggression and you can't shrug off a stab wound if you're Wolverine (well maybe you CAN but it's not much fun). [*] Post all apps in the OOC first, and when they're accepted post them in the CHAR. Have a separate post for each character, pls. [*] Violations of certain rules result in strikes. Strike one, and you'll get a gentle warning, strike two equals a more stern warning, and strike three gets you kicked. [*] Also, I forgot to add that if you need help with anything, just ask me. No question is stupid. If you need to leave the roleplay, I won't ask why, so don't stress.[/list][/indent]