[center][img]http://replygif.net/i/263.gif[/img][/center] [center][b]You Guys![/b][/center] [@Zoldyck] Well sir first of all I would like to thank you for showing your interest, and secondly it seems more people have expressed interest so I hope you stick around! [@CutUp] Hey it's you! Welcome aboard good sir, and by the way I'm getting around to reading your Omega Serenade App right about now because it is now 3:00 in the morning which means it is a perfect time to get work done! [@Gowi] Hey, hey, hey this one is Advanced not Casual it is totally different. I make these ones to spread my wings and get away from the land where people write only single paragraphs about their Mary sues and confuse their and there. XD Because now I get to construct my indiscriminate slaughter in vivid detail! And why they take up your life I don't know.... Maybe it's because they are a refreshing breath of fresh air... No that doesn't sound right, they are pretty cliche when you think about them... Maybe it is because the stories they prevent are interesting tales for the ages.... No still doesn't sound right.... I don't know cant really answer the question to be honest your going to have to answer that one by yourself. [@Sloth] Well I suppose I should thank you for your ability to keep on finding them then. :toot there is your congratulatory toot. Anyway now with all that done and done after counting there is four of your guys plus one of me, which makes five and five is a good number for a squad, maybe we could take on one more if somebody pops their head in. But I'll start working on the OCC then! If any of you have any questions feel free to ask.