[hider=Athel] Name: Athel Age: 25 Sex: Male Race: Elf Class/Sub-class: Rogue/Bard Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/83/7a/24/837a24606a5cf29e572cbe11122bffc3.jpg[/img] Abilities: Device Mastery- "You know, putting up traps and locking doors is a good way to tell people what you've got back their is valuable." Easily allows the disabling of traps and locks in the way. Master stealth- "Hiding in plain site is easy, so is hiding in shadows, but hiding on a battlefield that takes cunning." Able to move silently even on a battlefield and remain undetected through various clever means. Master Archer- "An apple? Put a grape on his head, I'm no amateur." Gifted with the skill of archery arrows are precise and lethal. Distraction- "Darkspawn! ...Oh no their weren't any actual Darkspawn I just said that to distract the guards, your gold and jewelry please." The rogue comes up with a clever distraction to cause enemies to move from the path. Captivating song- "My singing has been compared to magic and power of demons, a Templar once claimed that I had to be abomination. I explained to her that I wasn't back in my room." The bard sings a song that floats on the wind man, beast, and even Darkspawn have been left unable to move from it's perfect notes. Personality: Athel is Dalish in origin however his clan dissolved about seven years ago thanks to the dangers and trouble that had plagued them. He respect his culture and heritage but also mixes well with humans laughing and drinking alongside them. A thief and bard he can leave a crowd speechless and the purse's empty. Even for an Elf Athel is very pretty, which has served him well in the spy trade. One the best bards available he serves short term contracts with clients and completes his work flawlessly. With acting as one of his strong suits no one can be sure if they ever truly know him. Those who are close with him report him to be quiet and thoughtful. A talented story teller and lyricist, yet he speaks of strange things like the meaning of world. Origins of the fade and even if the gods are real at all, perhaps this strange rogue is more than just your average bard. Perhaps he is more suited working with mages on field assignments rather than stealing jewels from a noble. He is certainly intelligent enough and curious enough to work with them. History: Growing up in a Dalish clan, Athel was training under the clan story teller and teacher. Of course he also learned the ways of the hunter but those would not be perfect until later in his life, from a young age Athel lead the clan in song. With little practice he found his talent in singing, however as grew bored of stories he and the hunter apprentices would sneak out and set traps and sometimes enter human towns bartering for things they could not get. However with the death of Keeper and the first the clan dissolved and many went to find new clans to join. Athel however felt that his family would need money so taking work as a Bard in Orlais he scrapped fifteen gold and sent them on their way. He however had to remain and soon took a liking to the city, he and sister still exchange letters and he often writes songs for her. His family lives in Ferelden with one of the clans there having made a new life for themselves among the elves their. Athel meanwhile learned how to trick people, improved his archery, and perfected lock picking which he found was rather similar to disarming traps. His singing and acting skills improved a bit through his natural talent was quite sufficient. The young bard contacts have recently confirmed the massing of a grand army built of Ferelden and Orlais standing forces to aid in the fight against the Darkspawn. If they reach Ferelden his own family is in danger, so packing his possessions and finishing his last job he's gone to see if he can aid this force in anyway. [/hider]