He decided to not explaining knowing the forth would probably realize who he was after that. He just grinned when The forth Doctor realized who he was "Yup," he was glad the fourth had worked that out sooner than the Fifth had, He knew it wasn't a good thing that he had crossed his own time-stream. He walked into the TARDIS after the 4th walked in and he still grinned. "Yeah... don't know why this sort of thing keeps happening." The Doctor muttered, He knew there had to be a reason he had been pulled towards the 4th. He throws his sonic screw driver in the air and catches it as he is thinking. He has a small headache after been knocked around during the crash, but he seems to not focus on that and looked at four again. The Doctor chuckled a bit after seeing him drop the seriousness. He looked at his TARDIS and grinned " Each to thier own I suppose, But suppose looking around is only thing I can do till she finishes repairing," He stroked the console a bit. "I'll be back." He told the ship. At least he did hope so.