I would like to say ahead of time pardon any spelling mistakes, working on a phone is a bit difficult but I got it done. [hider=Callum] Name: Callum Lowell Age: 41 Sex: Male Race: Human Class/Sub-class: Spirit Mage/Knight Enchanter Appearance: [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/b8ed/th/pre/i/2015/020/8/c/ace_of_wands__nic_mage__dragon_age_inquisition_by_paperwick-d8eocx9.jpg[/img] Abilities: Spirit Blade: "Not all mages are defenceless up close, some even use that to their advantage, I'm no different." The user summons a blade from the fade to attack enemies at close range and reflect projectiles back at foes and the for, of a shockwave. Fade Clock: "I use the fade as a clock and shield, but also as a weapon." The user surrounds themselves with magic of the veil to become intangible and walk though people and beast. Reacts violently if the user uncloaked themselves inside a foe, very bloody and gory. Barrier Master: "Magic is more then fire, lightning and ice, it can be used to ward away injuries, if a Mage can't master barriers they are good as dead." The user creates barriers to surround himself and his party which keeps them safe until it runs out or has been dispelled. Spirit Medium: "I have a connection with the Fade that most lack, even amongst my follow mages." The user attracts spirits and can command them easily compared to others, but they also attracts demons. Master Herbalist: "The skills I have gathered since the rebellion has been useful for me and others that is of need of skills." The user can identity herbs and with the right materials they can make useful potions in and out of combat. Personality: Callum is a dedicated and protective man who is wise beyond his years. He abhors violence often wishes to avoid needless bloodshed and talk though it, but he knows that violence cannot always be avoided so when need be, he will defend others to his end. He will work hard on what he believes is right no matter the pain he will need to go though to reach it. Callum acts much older then he is, often acting as a parental figure to others giving advice and supporting others. He is also stupidly stubborn, he will never give up on others even they don't deserve it or reaching for a goal that beyond his reach and rarely asking for help and he often turns it away when someone does ask. History: Callum was born to minor Ferelden nobles the youngest of seven children. The Lowell's has always despised the fact that magic runs though their veins strongly, due to them being a pious family sending many children to the chantry or to train them as Templars. But even as a child Callum was an embarrassment to them, as he showed signs of magic at a young age, and he even talked to spirits at such a young age. He was despised by his siblings and parents, but he was taken away by Templars before they could punished the child for his magic. But they said many things that would influence Callum as a person, since he doesn't wish to be petty and abusive as his family. He kept his family name to remind them that he exist and he revealed their secret to Thedas. Callum hated the Ferelden Circle, he hated the sense of fear and loathing that hovers over every room and floor, the glares of Templars and Priests, and the despair that every Mage showed on their faces and even the way they walk, the fearful whispers about the newest tranquil, the sobbing at night before sudden silence, the hollow voices of the tranquils. He hated it all. But he kept studying and perfecting his spells so he could go above what the Templars expect of him, with the help of spirits he was able to beat the Harrowing quite easily. After his Harrowing he was sent to Oswick for they lack any spirit mages during the time, this was a year before the Fifth Blight, he counts himself lucky to have been transferred the year before. It was his time here that he studied the way of the Knight Enchanter. Even though he disliked the Circle of Magi and by extension the Chantry as a whole, he was loyal to the common people and his follow mages for they were the only allies he has known in his life so he used his body and magic as a sword and shield to protect others from both the dangers of magic and those who wish to target those that are feared or hated. Callum raised in the ranks in the circle but it all became moot once the rebellion started, Callum joined the rebel mages not wanting to turn his blade and staff to the people he protected with his life. Like all others during and after the Breach it was a difficult time of adjusting to a new world and a new Divine, but he feels that it was for the best, though he wish more people should be living. But he will defend this new Thedas from the likes of the Black Warden that wish to blight it. [/hider]