Okay, I am interested. [hider=One-Eyed Gyles] Name: Ser Gyles Ardland (nicknamed One-Eyed Gyles) Age: 35 Sex: Male Race: Human Class/Sub-class: Warrior / Champion Banner: A stylized black spades with roses on a snow-white field. Appearance: Ser Gyles is a muscular man and about six feet two tall. His hair and beard are raven black, although his hair is cropped. He has strikingly blue eye, as he has lost his left eye in the battle of Ostagar. Gyles has a lot of scars, and across his face there's a long, pale scar. Gyles is highly accomplished swordsman, mostly using a shield and a bastard sword. During the Fifth Blight he was also taught how to use a longbow. Abilities: Assault: Because the darkspawn and other foes need a shield to a face occasionally. Several times. In a row. Shield Mastery: Hiding behind a shield, eh? Craven! *Clunk!* Melee Archer: Bodkin arrows and longbows never fail in close quarters, trust me! Threaten: Threats and grunts are the new form of motivation! Motivate: When war cries just don't cut it. Personality: One-Eyed Gyles is a veteran of dozens of campaigns and battles. He knows the dirty tricks of the battlefield, but he has a code of honor he follows. Strong in body and mind, he is decisive and determinant. He is a man who's words and orders men follow. To the public he seems like a great commander and a natural-born fighter. Personally, he has seen much bloodshed and chaos during his years as a mercenary and his experiences has left a mark on him. He has tendency to melancholy and not being very talkative to strangers. History: A native Fereldan and born to lower nobility, Gyles became a knight and served in the king Cailan's army for a few years. Gaining experience as an officer in a cavalry company, he fought in the doomed battle of Ostagar, but could escape with a fragment of his company. Around 90 percent of his company died at Ostagar. Gyles lost his left eye in the battle and was feverish for a few days. A refuge healer helped him to recover and assume command of the company. Escaping the darkspawn horde, the company headed northwards, gathering survivors and refugees along the way, passing Lothering just before the town was raided by the darkspawn. Soon, Gyles had a rag tag company of cavalrymen, infantry, engineers and longbowmen. Gyles started a small-scale guerrilla campaign against darkspawn, targeting mostly small scouting units. During the war, Gyles' company was very successful. After the war, Gyles found his family dead and lands devastated. On the other hand, he had found leading men and warfare highly exciting. Barreling around Ferelden for a two years offering his services to many lords, he was refused by almost every lord. Taking what money and riches he had left, Gyles set out to the northern Thedas, pursuing a career of a mercenary and founded the Black Hearts Company. Many years later, he retired his command of the Black Hearts Company to a younger captain called Lucas Castellano and came back to Ferelden. After a decade of mercenary work, he bought a small holdfast and a farm. He thought he had left his past life behind him, but only one bad harvest later Gyles lost his estates and was sent drifting. Soon he heard that his old enemy, the darkspawn had resurfaced in the north. He faces an opportunity for one last campaign, as the Orlesians and Fereldans have started to mass an army to drive back the darkspawn crawling from the north. Questions loom in his head: how is his old free company faring? Is Lucas is still alive? [/hider]