Chadrick was both astonished and pleased at the gusto with which his companions took out the bots! Perhaps, he thought, he and Bark should stick around with this group, provided that they stayed together after whatever this ordeal currently is was finished. After taking a moment to appreciate the handiwork of the mismatched travelers, Chadrick stood up, cracking his knees, and walked over to examine the, now exposed, innards of the sentry bots. After collecting the ammunition remaining within the gun barrels and carefully disarming the missile launcher, he laid out the 5mm bullets and missiles on a nearby table. He then began to work on gutting the robots by removing the wiring and salvaging what was not fried, sliced, or pierced by bullets. There wasn't much wiring that had been spared being cut short, the sensor modules were both quite damaged from bullet fire, and it seemed that the conductors were both intact, but upon close inspection Chadrick could tell that one of the conductors had been fried by the surge of plasma energy. He set the working conductor aside. Chadrick was quite sure he would find the exact nut that he need for Bark, however it would take a minute or two of work to get to it. He pulled out a wrench and decided to make conversation. Seeing that the woman who was likely in charge was busy working at the terminal, he thought it best not to bother her. "[color=f26522]So what brings you three here? Do you people have some sort of group going on here? The battle synergy is quite remarkable might I say,[/color]" commented Chadrick, as he went about his work.