Ultron & Cyrania [hr] Unfortunately for Janet, the reading part was extremely short in her case and she found herself with nothing to do while she processed the message the books left. After checking whether Henry was already asleep, she took a stroll through the apartment. After a short while though, she realized all the exciting stuff was probably either in Henry’s room where she did not dare go as not to wake him up, or off-site like the warehouse or her birthplace. Growing bored, Ultron thought some more on tomorrow. It was true what she said - through known history, any attempt to make life better only redistributed wealth in the same level, only to different people. Was it not futile to even try then? Was it actually necessary? That seemed like something that needed research, and now was as good time as any. Of course, Janet knew Henry probably thought about her wandering out on her own. But any alarms he put in were a bit useless when confronted with a supercomputer made to defeat things like them. Walking to the door, she sunk her fingertips into the control panel. Her mind raced across the security system, silently analyzing it and searching for anything linked to her. Ah, there! Disconnecting, she looked at the place where she found a scanner that would check for her specifically leaving. It was built into the wall with seemingly no access - but that was no bother. Looking at her hand, Janet formed her fingers into a spike and commanded her nanite skin to flow over them and form a lance-like appendage. One stab through the wall later, the alarm was disabled. Creating a magnetic field to unlock the door, she morphed into a low class human shape and silently left, unaware of the ant following her. The lowest levels of the city quickly made her realize just how bad things were. She was conflicted when she witnessed a man stealing a purse from an old woman - her programming screamed at her to give chase, pacify and return the item, but her user directives commanded stealth, leaving her personality matrix to make a decision. Eventually she sided with the latter, considering she was probably going to be in trouble already for walking out in the first place. She went out to gather information in the first place. Originally Janet did not intend to speak to anyone, but then she witnesses a small skirmish between what appeared like one of Alchemex’s ‘Avengers’ and an unregistered superhuman. Ultron was quickly re-evaluating her chances of meeting them - she already encountered three, and it was day one for heaven’s sake! Following after the force field projecting human, she changed her mind. If they were to go after Alchemex, it might be good to have connections to other people who have a bone to pick with them. Janet caught up and approached the woman: “That was interesting.” “Oh, what was?” Cyrania asked when the woman came up. The Alpha experiment was sure that no one could have followed her after her invisibility and disguise routine, no normal person. And her energy levels weren’t the best to have a new fight. “I’m just new to town here. My name’s Alastriana Rogers, what’s yours?” “How you handled that guy, duh. One would think when a person nearly runs you over he would apologize. I’m starting to see how the corporations are a problem.” Ultron tried to make conversation, “Janet Pym. I also arrived here only today.” she said, offering a hand, “You’ve got some amazing gifts.” Cyrania shook hands with the strange woman then moved them to a deserted alley to have more privacy, though she decided to keep her disguise for now. “Such things are best discussed where people can’t hear you. Running into people and not apologizing is not the full extent of what Alchemax does though. They treat people as property to take samples and perform experiments from. And if they don’t match their specifications, then onto the block they go. They need to be stopped, and I can only hope my gifts will be useful in the struggle.” Observing Alastriana’s body language and vital signs, Janet noticed two things. First, her company was getting tired, second, there were signs in her voice and fine movements that hinted at what she described being personal. “So… that’s what happened to you?” she asked, apparently not yet skilled in sugarcoating. “Also, there are three food businesses around if you feel like eating something. I can not vouch for their quality though. We live on one of the ‘middle class’ apartments. Dad’s fast asleep but I come from a very different timezone, I just couldn’t stay in bed. The jet-lag tomorrow is going to be hell.” “Thanks, any food should be fine, though I don’t have any money so you’d have to treat.” Cryania replied. Then before they left the alley she said, “Yes, that’s what happened to me. I was their first experiment in super-humans, their ‘Alpha’. They were disappointed though since I only got powers, no super-strength or super-stamina or anything like that. If it hadn’t been for Merlin, I would be dead now. Though we better find something different to chat about in this food place, I announced myself as Alpha to get some of the heat hopefully off of Spider-man. They probably will have their goons everywhere.” [i]Oh, how wonderfull of her to mention that so soon![/i] Janet thought, fighting the urge to activate the Emotes->RollEyes method. “Well then perhaps it is high time we vacated the place.” she noted and started walking a bit faster. “And strength is not the best power. Imagine a guy who can turn intangible, what good will muscles do then? Would you be interested to know there is at least one group whose goals are in alignment with yours?” Janet dropped that just as they approached one of the food vendors. “It helps to know the corporate weaknesses.” she whispered to Alastriana barely audibly as she approached one of the ATMs nearby. After what seemed like an intense glare, the machine spit out a bunch of money. “Get what you like, Alchemax’s treat.” she said with a cheeky smile. Cyrania looked wide eyed at Janet for a bit, then she grinned, went to the vendor, and said, “ I would like a milkshake, hamburger, and fries, please.” She handed the necessary cash, which seemed to surprise the vendor a bit, then he prepared and handed back her order. Alice immediately started sipping the milkshake, and felt the energy replenishing in her body. She turned to Janet and said, “Thank you, I don’t know what I would have done without you.” “Probably either starved to death, or become a typical lowlife, selling your body for the next fix of whatever drug you would grow to fancy and a little bit of food, likely dying before you reached 30.” Janet shrugged, going from available statistics, “Only you would have some fancy gifts to go along, probably aiding you in your petty criminal career.” On that happy note, Ultron waited for … [i]Now that’s a horribly long name.[/i] [code]$_ALICE = new User(‘regularPermissions’, ‘metaHuman’)[/code] … for Alice. There. Much better. To finish her food. Then, she beckoned them outside. “Do you have some place to sleep?” “No, actually.” Cyr replied as she cleaned herself off. “This whole day was a make up as I go along one. I don’t know anyone in the city save you.” Janet paused. “Let me get this straight. You came here, no cash, no place, I assume no job and intended to take on Alchemax, by yourself? I see a bit of a flaw in your plan.” Janet pointed out the obvious, “I take it going back wherever you were is not an option either?” She thought for a bit. This was one strange individual. She wasn’t certain an airhead like this could help them in any shape or form, but her powers were rather useful. “I can give you a space in a warehouse. It’s not much but it’s a roof over your head.” she eventually decided. With SAM’s drives still in her pocket, there wasn’t much worth stealing anyhow that would be too much of a loss, just in case her good will went unrepaid. “A roof over my head is all I need, thanks.” Alice said aloud. Then Cyrania mentally shot to her new friend, [i] “Really should be quieter when you talk about taking down Alchemax. One of their goons is about 11:00 high, he’s thinking about my description and this Spider-man’s and about the reward money the company is offering.[/i] Her head gestured to where the man was. [i] “And as for the flaw in my plan, 1.) I never meant to take them on myself but to find help and 2.)there was no other way. There was no way to contact the resistance except to go into the city and no city contacts since we lived in the Badlands for most of my life. Therefore, this whole thing has been a practically blind operation with a high chance of getting captured or killed. Merlin said my odds would be better if I went alone, so he went to see if any others were made of my ‘product line’ or if the people the samples were taken from were still around, saying he would join me later. My only hope was to contact a resistance member or find the new Avengers, not the Alchemax phonies but the true new ones, before essentials really got desperate. You have taken care of my essentials, thank you. Now, are you really willing to go against Alchemax?”[/i] Miss de Bergerac paused as she waited for an answer, readying her senses to make sure that whatever answer Janet gave was sincere, to figure out if Janet was honest or an Alchemax agent herself. Grabbing a hold of Alice’s hand, Janet repaid in kind. [i]Word of advice? Stay away from my head. You might not like what would happen if I reacted to you like I would to any other intruder. It’d do you well not to forget that you are special, but not unique in your powers.[/i] She paused, scanning the direction her companion suggested with thermal sensors. True enough, somebody was there thinking they couldn’t be seen. [i]In fact, we are more alike than you know. Our group is having a meeting in the warehouse I spoke about in the morning, I shall introduce you then. It may not initially be a smooth sell, but given the other guy we picked up, you’re a step up.[/i] Janet shared and started walking to the warehouse, taking care to lose all pursuers she could detect.