[img]http://mtv.mtvnimages.com/uri/mgid:file:http:shared:mtv.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Hogwarts-scene.gif[/img] The Hogwarts grounds are opened once again for another exciting year of school. Filled with magic, light, and happiness. It is going to be another great year. But, even though the grounds are open, does that mean they're safe? In the light, there lurks a great darkness, calling upon many Witches and Wizards, to join the dark forces, and bring back, something deadly, something powerful. What are they after, who knows. But what everyone does know, is that almost no one can be trusted. Students, teachers, the Ministry. When the darkness, does call upon you, will you accept it, let it take you in, or will you fight it back, and resist. Hogwarts must be saved, before a great force of evil is awakened, and nothing can be done to stop it. Will you let Hogwarts be crushed in its wake, or stop it from ever happening. Are you afraid of the Dark? If you aren't, you should be now. [hr] OOC: In this RP, we would all be first years, coming to Hogwarts for the first time. We would not be using canon characters, as this is a different time period than when HP was in Hogwarts. A few new changes, are that first years will be allowed on the quidditch team, but will be less likely to make the cut. Also, a trip (or two) too Hogsmead are allowed to first years (if they weren't before) [hr] While I know we all hate them, the RP has to have some rules. - My Word Is Final - Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13 - No Godmodding - A paragraph for me is 5 descriptive sentences - Put Dumbledore, in bold at the top, or bottom of your CS, so I know you've read the rules :D - No Powerplaying (unless you have that persons consent [hr] CS: While I know this is a free roleplay, it's a somewhat high-free roleplay, so I want the characters to be more in depth. That and it's because the RP is mainly about the characters, and I'd like to have more depth to them so they aren't so bland, or hard to approach. Name: (And nicknames) Age: (remember, we're all first years) Appearance: Personality: (A paragraph or more) History: (at least 1 1/2 to 2 paragraphs) Blood Status: (half-blood, pure-blood, muggleborn) Wand: (wood type, length, core) Wand Image: (Optional) Pet: (optional) Pet Image: (optional) [hr] [hider=Staff][hider=House Heads]Headmistress of Hogwarts: Minerva McGonnagle Head of Gryffindor: Neville Longbottom Head of Hufflepuff: Horace Limshire Head of Ravenclaw: Jack London Head of Slytherin: Tyberius Lentin [/hider] [hider=Teachers]First Year Defense Against the Dark Arts: Professor Nolan Dunn First Year Flying: Professor Oliver Wood First Year Charms: Professor Flitwick First Year Transfiguration: Headmistress McGonagall First Year Astronomy & Astrology: Professor Jack Splint First Year Potions: Professor Garret Dranhold First Year Herbology: Professor Neville Longbottom[/hider][/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters]- Callum "Cal" Robertsen[/hider]