[hider=Kargoth - The Rivaini Assassin] Name: Kargoth Age: 34 Sex: Male Race: Human Class\subclass: Rogue/Assassin Appearance: A 6 foot 6 inch tall, dark skinned, deep voiced male with a meaty, muscular physique, possessing dark blue eyes, a thick spiked black mohawk and a mature attractive face. He has obtained a few healed scars along his cheeks, and body, including one along the juggular area and along the stomach. He possesses several pierces along the ears, chin and stomach. Kargoth's upperbody is completely bare save for the black assortment of tattooes which symmetrically coat his back and front. He also wears a set of light armored black leather and spiked wyvern scaled gaunlets which covers from his hands to his shoulders. He wear an assortment of gold around his neck, jewels, items stolen from his foes, proof of his kills fashioned into necklaces. As for his lower body, kargoth wears a set of jet black leather, spiked wyvernscale coated leggings and a pair of black leather shoes. Abilities: Master Poison Making: "The best part of a hunt is watching my handiwork slowly reap the lives of my prey..." - A master of making incredibly dangerous and powerful poisons, Kargoth can create concoctions which slowly bleed, induce sickness and slowly induce painful death. He can coat his own and his allies' blades to bring their opponent to their slow, agonising demise. Dual-weapon Mastery: "Arrows are nice, but I like to get a nice look at the cuts i make~" - A master of dual weilding, Kargoth is able to twirl, launch and dance around his foes with speed, slicing and dicing them up to be served like some form of psycho sushi. Getting into close range combat with the assassin will only speed up the time of your death, believe me. Master stealth: "Here, there and everywhere, theres nothing like pouncing ontop of my prey when they least expect it, to hear their final bleating cries~" - Jumping in and out of shadows, Kargoth is able to take the initiative and take his foes by surprise, while being able to avoid the prying eyes of his enemies trying to look for him. If you cant see him, its fine... Because he can see you. Gaps in the armor: "armor wont save you from my blades, little kitten!" - An ability which allows Kargoth to use his blades to slice and stab at areas which are the least protective with finesse, allowing him to apply his poisons onto his foes and deal heavy damage. Hidden blades: "you think i need to get close... To hurt you? Poor naive prey..." - Shooting out a pair of blades hidden in his jacket, he is able to immediately throw the knives at his opponents who are off afar to deal ranged damage, allowing him to bleed his foes to make them weaker. Personality: Smug, narcissistic, and insensitive, a Rivain with a sick sense of humor are some of the personality traits the assassin possesses. Arrogan, cocky and a show off, Kargoth enjoys taking his time with his foes, and shows major signs of possessing both masochistic and sadism traits. Only in for the job at hand because he believes there will be a mountain of riches waiting for him for completing the job, it is one of two things keeping him on this mission, the other? Well, these darkspawn are killing his clients... And his targets, and that just isnt very acceptable. Kargoth can quicky become violent and antagonistic to the people he fights alongside, but will not kill them unless needed as a method of self defense. He cares not for the people below or above him, and lives by his own set of rules, as many do who were born in Rivian and grown as pirates. Selfish and greedy, and a large glutton, others are his stepping stones to bigger rewards, and doesnt exactly make friends, only merely getting acquaintented with those around him, be wise not to piss him off, or you might end up not waking up a week from now. History: Normally, a little kid born in Riviani grows up to love his community, work together, settle down, live a nice, rich life... I on the otherhand would... Also get this, but heh, lets just say it was fairly different on a moral standpoint. Like any child i originally was raised to be smart, to be successful, maybe to get a nice job and live a life of lazy wonder, however I was a brat as a child, stealing from people, kicking the shit out of kids my own age... I was a terrible little maggot... Of course, my continued pestering of the people around me finally knocked me in the jaw. Unknowingly I stole from a group of not very well known, but pretty viscious pirates, caught me red handed and almost lobbed my face off the moment they got me, but they didnt, no they decided to take me away, kidnap my worthless, bony ass and keep me illegally as a slave to work for them. I was stolen away, leaving the life of luxury behind and brought into their little flock, so long the life of lazy luxury, hello criminal deterioration...! Well, deterioration was for the weaker swine, good for me i happened to be made of much stronger wood,cor rather, lets say steel. They worked my scrawny ass off on that ship in the shit. I scrubbed, I served, I begged, I was molded. Many kids my age were killed by disease, by their pirate master or just commited suicide, perhaps from spite, or just simply despair, i was a lucky one, was lucky my genes werent pathetic, i was one of the few who grew stronger, that agonising lifestyle couldnt break me, but it changed me, oh did it change me... And i couldnt be more pleased~ From five years old to fifteen my mind changed, I was already a spiteful sadist as a child, but life watching the people around you murder innocents, keep slaves, while your forced to participate, raping, murder, plundering, it turns you into a sick, disturbing son of a bitch... I relished every moment of it, its probably because of this they let me go as a slave, and turned me into one of their own,ca full fledged pirate. As such, I was carved with beautiful scars, which ran around my body, a symbol of my pirate crew, it was a nice little memento to remember them by, when i let every single last one of them die before my own blades. You see, as pirates were were often set upon by people who desired our heads, so much so, our crew was ambushed at sea by a single assassin, blades in hand, the blood that sprayed was as beautiful as the sunrise to normal folk... In the flames of confusion i pounced upon my own, eager to give them a taste of the joy i faced as a child, i slaughtered them, hunting prey of my own kind was foreign to me but.. I loved it, it didnt take long for the assassin to notice either, the disturbing glint in my eye, the eagerness for death, the lack of fear.. He saw potential, a big, powerful youth, launching upon others like some form of wild beast, tearing them to shreds, he desired to fester that bloodlust. From that day forward, I was "dead", known only now as Kargoth, my original name, even i've forgotten... From the age of fifteen the assassin faked my death, collected the reward and took me as his little tool to shape further. For years, under his wing, a rogue assassin, not part of any guild, on the run, to kill and escape, we were partners in glorious crime. My love for killing, the joy of death and the stench it brings was like a bards song... It was like drinking water, it was manditory, i couldnt live without it, already trained to use a blade, my new master taught me very well, he wanted me to kill more, and in all honesty, i had to oblidge, trained in stealth, despite my large size, poison making and the art of elegant death, i would spent the next nineteen years of my life getting stronger, faster, and more intelligent under his guide, with work plentiful in times of blight when peoples guards are dropped, we eventually left eachother around my twenty seventh birthday, and for seven years till thirty four, ive made a pretty famous name for myself... Today, i do what i always do, indescriminately kill everything im paid to slaughter, this indescriminate killing eventually got me spotted by other... Individuals.. Course, the chantry wouldnt automatically hire a murderer, thats not their style, or rather, not the open. They had a whole adorable arguement deciding how they would leash me, scared i might just go apeshit... Eventually they realised an assassin who bides by the rules and doesnt break contract, who doesnt disobey their boss and who does their job without double crossing is a valuble, disposable asset. They have no intention of me surviving, and no doubt will try to kill me the moment the mission is over, but this job will definately be my most rewarding yet... [/hider]