[b]Moff Katherion, Allende Laval, Jewel & Lea Rahn ~|~ Ellri & Sundered Echo[/b] Moff Katherion stood silently on the bridge, watching a holo of what was occurring down in the hangar. They were bringing in a few more prisoners for the Sith. With a single nod towards Lieutenant Laval, the first prisoner’s file appeared in the air beside the holo so that he could review it. [i]‘A human-zelosian hybrid?’[/i] he thought to himself, finding it curious. He, unlike so many others, knew well that Zelosians were a species of sentient plants. [i]‘Human mother, Zelosian father.’[/i] He found that even stranger. That could not have been a comfortable pregnancy for the mother, having something so alien growing in her womb. “Lieutenant. Have the prisoners been moved yet? Are the prison cells ready for the new arrivals?” He asked, without turning. As Lieutenant Laval was the only other person on the bridge, he had no need to fear anyone listening in. The very existence of the prison deck was still a secret from most of the crew. Now that nearly a thousand troopers had been offloaded, the chances of anyone unwanted discovering it were remote. “No, Moff. Not yet.” She answered, typing rapidly into her console. “It will be done in but a few minutes now. Command has been issued.” “Good.” he said, continuing to watch the holo. Once the loading completed and the shuttle had departed again, he would have the fleet depart Tatooine. They had been there long enough now. Next stop would be Teth, where he had to pick up several regiments scheduled for reassignment. ~|~ Jewel carefully and methodically cleaned the blood off her hands in her quarters as she thought. It was unfortunate that the male padawan was so unreceptive to her words. It created difficulties for those that were. Until she was confident they believed her enough to discount slander, she’d need to keep them apart. Once she’d stripped the last of the red liquid from her hands and gloves she found a Datapad and started tapping in a few commands for the guard. First and foremost was to keep Xid and Kinsa apart. She put Xid in cell three and Kinsa in cell four. Calista, for the moment, could be with Xid. She was aware of Jewel’s ability to inflict pain, so there was no danger there. She didn’t know the rest of the prisoners so she just placed them randomly with the intent to confuse and bewilder. She also noticed a pleasant surprise in the form of a new prisoner, though unfortunately she was not entirely human. As an amusing aside, she added to the orders to take the prisoners on a circuitous route through the ship, each of them alone to be taken into their new cell at different times. Even though the cells were just across the room, it might make some of the Jedi think it was a different cellblock. With a faint smile, she tapped the command to carry out the orders. ~|~ Lea was not particularly surprised when troops marched into the cells yet again. She had been expecting it. Shortly before they did, she’d grabbed her few belongings from their locations in her cell and hidden them in her robes. The troopers split them all up and led them on a circuitous route through the cell complex, only to return to it after a while. She tried to keep track of the turns they took, but it was impossible. The corridors were simply too similar to each other. They shoved her through the door to a different cellblock, then into the second cell from the left. She stumbled somewhat, but managed to avoid falling over fully, or for that matter drop her personal objects. Once the shield went up, she quickly found a place to stash the objects, getting an idea of any differences from her last cell. There weren’t many worth speaking of. Over the next while, she could not say exactly how long, two other prisoners were also brought into her cellblock, one of which was clearly sick. She found that most intriguing. She would have to find out more about him. She had a theory about exactly what was wrong with him. The other new prisoner clearly looked like he had been beaten up recently. She found that too curious. [i]’Which Sith had done that?’[/i] she asked herself, not really expecting to be able to think up an answer. She did not know who he was, though.