I decided against using stock talents from the games and instead listed what I thought were his five most prominent abilities or skills. If that's not okay just let me know. [hider=Garen Steelsinger] Name: Garen Steelsinger Age: 32 Sex: Male Race: Human Class/Sub-class: Warrior Appearance: [hider=Portrait] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ByV5Mul.png[/img] [/hider] Abilities: Combat Mastery: Due to countless hours of training and even more hours and years of combat experience Garen has a very keen grasp of martial combat. Skilled with the sword, lance, warhammer, crossbow, and many other armaments. Also something of a strategist Garen has disciplined his mind to think many moves in advance, as such he's not only an able and dangerous combatant but a capable and quick-thinking commander. Survivalist: Garen has spent enough time in the wilderness to easily survive on his own for months, even years at a time. The Song of Steel, Dance of Death: Garen himself would say his extreme proficiency with his blades came with hours upon hours of practice. Other more superstitious crowds believe him to be a demon warrior incarnate, whose only purpose in the world is to reap death upon whomever he pleases. Whatever the actual case, Garen is so attuned to his weapons and his body that when he fights his blades sing a funeral dirge for his enemies. The only sounds to be heard is the whooshing of blades slicing the air, the clanging of metal beating metal, and the screams of his defeated foes. Personality: To most Garen is a rough, cynical person having seen and dealt with enough death to make the man cold and indifferent to the cruelties of the world. As a wanderer and professional soldier Garen is disciplined, shrewd, logical, sarcastic, and at times a bit ruthless. Still, his iron like persona has soft spots, particularly towards children whom if he's in an area long enough will teach kids how to read, write, and otherwise survive. He gives those he counts as friends high regards and always pay his debts, loyalty with loyalty, blood with blood. [hider=History] His father was a hunter and was murdered by a band of darkspawn when he was a boy. After that Garen and his mother survived the best they could, eventually she perished as well. After that the boy was recruited by a mercenary company called the Dragon's Blades at the age of 8. He was to serve the fighters much like a squire and eventually become a fighter himself. He stuck with the company for 10 years, becoming one of the group's most respected fighters and tacticians. He showed great leadership capabilities and quite the mind for battlefield strategy. The group had an established territory, the local villages were grateful for the protection and the company had food and lodging. Garen served as the one of three members of the company known as the "Dragon Heads" for a couple years, marrying the village chief's daughter, Elaine. The two had a daughter named Alys, they were happy, blissful. However the bliss would not last... One night after returning with his men from a monster hunt they found the village in flames. Tevinter Slavers were ransacking the town and carting off it's inhabitants. Garen and his men did all they could and saved a few. But when the dust settled, Elaine and Alys were nowhere to be found, the village was ruined, burned, and what was left of the population didn't want to be anywhere near there. After that Garen left the Dragon's Blades, intent on hunting down the slavers and finding his family. That was his mission for years, until finally he did. He and his closest friend Jeremiah Cross who was a tracker hunted the Tevinter to their lair. The two stormed the place, finding horrific things, corpses, tortured, mangled, or worse. Finally the two found Elaine, or what was left of her. They searched but Alys could not be found. And so the two returned and went their separate ways, with Garen wandering the world. Listless aside from finding his daughter. Now the world is threatened, and a call for heroes has been issued. Though no hero himself, Garen has decided to lend his twin longswords Gwynt and Tân to the cause of saving the world. For if the world is destroyed, if Alys still lives she will perish with it. [/hider] [/hider]