Ruu didn't know how much time passed, considering the glutton she was probably not much, but in the end it didn't matter as no one was disturbing her anyways. Having finished her meal and leaving a bloody mess behind, the girl was satisfied. [color=82ca9d][i]'Now that we're finished, how about returning home for the time being?'[/i][/color] Ruu shook her head in denial. [color=f26522][i]"No."[/i][/color] Ruu simply denied, while Faust was only [i]talking[/i] in her mind, the Youkai girl always communicated back by not giving any fucks and talking out loud. Of course, the [i]language[/i] they used wasn't [s]english[/s] japanese at all, but going to great lengths as reverse english, german or wingdings in place of normal english was just silly! [color=82ca9d][i]'Bu...'[/i][/color] Pushing his voice aside, Ruu ascended onto the top of a building before putting her nose up into the air. There were a lot of different odors, some stronger, some weaker, this place was a goldmine for someone as curious as her and each day there were new things to explore. Ultimately though Ruu decided to go for the smell that was kinda similar to the guy she just ate. It wasn't even that far away, not like it would have been a problem though, considering her means of transport through the shadows in the night. Thus, Ruu headed for two certain individuals. ... Emerging from the shadow of a wall close to her targets, Ruu could confirm that this was indeed what she was looking for. The male human that Ruu locked her eyes upon smelled similar to the Youkai, though there was a small, but important difference for both of them. While the human had something metallic in his scent, the female Youkai carried a wild and cold note. Considering Ruu couldn't even fathom that a Youkai and human could get along, Ruu obviously thought they would go at each other any second, thus, the silly Youkai decided to wait and continue stalking and drooling.