"Why are you attacking me?! Stop this!" They had never even seen this man before, what was it he was after? Ethan hadn't ever hurt anything save for the animals he hunted, and Saints knows he wasn't being attacked for that. So what gives? And what was this about orders? If he had a moment's rest he might have a second to ask what was going on, but as it stood he hardly had enough time to dodge attacks, let alone think or talk. After managing to evade three blasts of water he found himself now on the receiving end of ice shards, narrowly avoiding getting skewered by the first few simply by running away. The last couple however were on target, and Ethan fully expected to be struck down by them. However, the sound of metal being scraped against and the sudden appearance of Cecil were his saving grace, and now he finally had a chance to catch his breath. In the midst of all the fray too it seemed like Wyth had somehow gotten into the middle of things, and Ethan's heart sank now knowing that both the moorcat and Amuné as well as Cecil were all in danger. He wanted to tell them all to just run, but if he hadn't had the Machina to help he'd have several holes in him right about now. What was all this then? A rogue Machina, a small moorcat and a little girl as well? This wasn't part of his job, he was supposed to kill Ethan and Ethan alone. "What is this? None of you are my target," the man spoke, slightly annoyed that someone was interfering. "By getting in my way you're associating with this man, you do understand that right? You'll be punished if you continue this way." The moorcat snarled at him viciously at that, and the Machina was even foolish enough to threaten him. Letting out a soft sigh he reached into his jacket, pulling out a single cigar and lighter, igniting the tip before placing it between his teeth. "Fine... I'm sorry I have to do this, but orders are orders..." That he should have to kill a small girl and an animal today, this had turned into a rather sour job. Taking a puff of his cigar he blew out a ring of smoke, and as if on cue another two water spouts rose up from either side of the bridge again. "Sorry, you'll have to die now." Ethan couldn't believe it, this man was going to attack them? Really? If he was the target then he should be the only one in danger here, not the others. Looking back at Amuné, then at Cecil and Wyth he gritted his teeth, wondering what his chances were of leading the man away from them. He was fast, but this man seemed powerful, could he get away? "I want you three to run, hear me...? When I start, run across the bridge and keep going..." He wouldn't know unless he tried, but he had to at least give it a shot for their sake. Eyes shifting between the two spouts he waited until the first came down at them, promptly imbuing his sword with magic again and making a thrusting motion, sending a spiral of wind at it and managing to tear the spout apart, panting a little from exertion after that. With only one spout left he then channeled magic again, his feet illuminating slightly before he dashed ahead, darting past the man and taking a swipe at him with his sword which missed by a fair bit. It worked though, as when he glanced back over his shoulder he saw the spout coming for him, dodging to the right to avoid it. However it didn't look like the man was taking the bait, instead turning on the others. "Don't hurt them!" he shouted, running back at the Magi. "I'll make it quick, at least then you won't have to suffer," the man mumbled, frowning as he raised an arm in Amuné's direction. Might as well kill the child first, she wouldn't want to witness what was bound to happen. Behind him he could hear Ethan's footsteps drawing ever nearer, and he knew the boy was no doubt going to try attacking again to stop him. Raising a pillar of water he turned abruptly and threw his arm to the side, catching Ethan off guard and knocking him into the side of the bridge, clanging against the supports before falling to the ground in a wet heap. Seeing him trying to still get up after that the man frowned, bringing the water up around Ethan and attempting to form a bubble, having the intent of drowning the boy inside of it. Thanks to Wyth being nearby and attacking however he was spared that fate, the man having to back off to avoid being bitten. "Wyth... Stop, I said run...!" Ethan said, coughing as he spit up a decent bit of water. This man was too strong for them, he was casting spells left and right and hardly seemed to be fazed whatsoever by it. Just what had they done to get someone like this sent after them? Eyes widening seeing the man trying to attack Wyth, Ethan used what little magic he had left to dash forward, tackling the larger man to the ground and using the flat of his sword to try pinning him, looking at the rest of the group worriedly, "Run!" Crap, this man was strong too, he could barely hold him back as he pushed against the sword. Wrestling to keep his grip on it, Ethan's eyes widened when he saw water rise up again, having to yank his sword free and roll away as water came crashing down on top of the man, covering a decent portion of the bridge in liquid as it pooled up and slowly began to run off. This was insane... How were Magi this powerful? Now that was annoying, he'd had to put out his last cigar because of Ethan. It was saturated now and probably wouldn't light again, meaning he had nothing left until he got back. On top of that his clothes were soaked, it would take easily an hour or so for them to dry out in the sun. Standing back up after being deluged, the old man wiped at his face, annoyed that these children were being so bothersome. "It'll be easier if you just lie down and accept your fate, you're not leaving here alive," he said plainly, raising two water spouts this time on each side of the bridge, "You're too risky to be allowed to live, it's nothing personal."