The thick, wooden door opened up with a huge swing, whilst Hayley hung from the doorknob. With a loud bang the other doorknob hit the stairs next to the hallway that knocked over a pile of books on Clark’s desk. Clark? Hayley knew this because he was the man that always fetched her the oldest books he could find in the archive. He’d always check with her if she’d want to read it first before putting it on a shelf. She knew Clark from her science class, but she rarely entered the library herself. It usually was filled with a lot of people and Hayley just couldn’t bother with them whilst reading. “I’m sorry Clark!” Hayley quickly whispered, respecting the silence that was to be held within the library. “I don’t remember this door swinging open so easily..” She then coughed at the lousy excuse and picked up the few books that had fallen down. Clark was nowhere to be seen at first sight, so she just placed the books back where she had found them. Her brown leather boots softly sounded through the hollow halls filled with bookshelves. As she her eyes gazed upon all the glorious books she had yet to read, her sorority task quickly slipped her mind. At the first desk she came across with, the flyers took place with a fluff. “Clark?” She mumbled again, noticing he might just gone out to get lunch. Late lunch, that is.. It was nearly 3! The big, main stairs took her to the 2nd floor, huge silver letters marked the dark wood above the first shelf: ‘Novels: Romance’. Strangely enough, there wasn’t a soul to be seen. Where did everybody go? Was 3pm a calm moment at the library? Who knew.. Her finger slowly slid over a few books to get some dust off. Bad move. An upwelling feeling made her gasp for air and.. “HATHUUUUU!” A loud sneeze. “Pardon me..” She softly whispered, stupidly realizing probably nobody heard it. “Since I am alone…” Hayley’s eyes suddenly started to twinkle whilst she pulled book after book out of the shelves. Thick, dusty books were being held into her tiny arms until she couldn’t stack any more. With that done, she took place in the most cozy corner she had ever seen: A large, red couch looking rather vintage was curled up against a fireplace that wasn’t lid atm. A small table was set besides it and a small reading light was put upon it. It was perfect! Her books quickly found place on the other side of the couch as she unzipped her boots –Yes, she was a little strange indeed- and took the first book in her hands. “Captain Blackbeard.. I’mma read you.”