King Levarticus III wasn't happy. Every single one of the Five Knights were dead. So why wasn't there a sword with ANY of them??? He was currently pacing in his throne room, his black armor clinking at the joints as he did so. The frustrated king finally told the guard at the door to fetch the royal soothsayer. He was getting impatient as the woman walked into the room. She was a full head and shoulders shorter than him, and was hunched over with an old grey hooded cloak covering her. "You called, your Lordship?" She asked, her voice scratchy and betraying her old age. King Levarticus sat at his throne and nodded slightly. "Yes. I assume the reason you are late is you were checking the future to see if I was angry at you?" The old woman gulped. She had of course been late because of her aging body not being what it used to be, but she couldn't give him that for an answer. "Y-yes M'lord." She lied, hoping that he would not be angered by this lie. He noticed, but decided not to press the issue further. "Whatever the case, I wish to know the location of the Swords. Can you or can't you show me anything pertaining to them?" "Sir, with all due respect, I am a soothsayer. I only tell the future, I cannot see locations I have never been to!" The woman stuttered out fearfully. "Well then..." King Levarticus III sighed and snapped his fingers. A large man in pique physical condition with a large sword stepped out from the shadows and proceeded to behead the old woman. "Pity... She was three days away from retirement." the man said, then laughed heartlessly as he wiped his sword clean. "But you Majesty, I have heard rumors tell that there is a cave in Harocrint that no one has ever escaped once entering. something about a beast of unimaginable strength guarding it's treasure if the barkeep whom told my men was right. Of course I killed the fool, but we don't know how many people he told before he died. Perhaps we should send a search party? Might I suggest Lady Valis?" The King listened intently to his Second in Command. "I take it Lady Valis has a battalion ready to depart then?" "You know me too well. Everything is ready for her departure. Shall I give the word?" "By all means. Hire another Soothsayer. And tell Lady Valis... I will not accept failure."