[color=f6989d]“No prob.”[/color] Dai watched as Bride took the drink; the feminine boy stood and explained that the shoe laces were the perpetrators to this whole incident. As his classmate answered yes to his latter suggestion, Kazuo walked onto the scene and inquired what happened. [color=f6989d]“Hey, Kazuo.”[/color] Dai greeted the transfer student with a grin. As the stuttering boy repeated his story to Kazuo, Dai eyed Bride’s shoes. [color=f6989d]“No biggie. We’re all a little clumsy once in a while.”[/color] He shrugged nonchalantly before he tied Bride’s laces without a care. Dai was still squat to the ground so might as well. It was tempting to tie the laces into giant decorative bows found only on Christmas presents, but it won’t do to freak out any potential friendships so soon. He'll do that later. Instead, he opted for a normal one – small and neat. [color=f6989d]“Allllll done!”[/color] Dai hopped to his feet and dusted off his hands, looking proud of his work. His moment of pride was broken when his back pockets vibrated. Having done this many times before, he flipped opened the phone in one fluid and smooth motion, fingers ready to go into action. However, he was silent; his gaze flickered between the vibrating phone to his fellow classmates. Bride and Kazuo - two people he didn't know except through the occasional gossip. Would he really pass up this chance of getting to know them just to get more gossip? Of course, not! Besides, Bride appeared to be nervous and hurt. The poor guy should lighten up more especially around classmates. Plus, Kazuo is a pretty mysterious guy. This was a good chance to know them both. Dai shoved the device back into his pockets, and stared at Bride and Kazuo with a thoughtful look. [color=f6989d]“Kazuo, you just transferred here, right? Minto, we should show the new guy around the Wonder Mall after we pick up a proper ice pack. I’ll treat you guys to something nice.”[/color] He offered to sweeten the deal.