Cheshik turned his light towards where the sound came from, dispelling the shadow that had been encroaching on them. "Metal. light weight. Durasteel." He whispered before whistling for Snickers to come back. It was but a moment before the giant lizard was there again, scanning with his master. "Iisska. We are being hunted." ______ "Shit!" Zen screamed as he burst out his door. "Why is it that every time that stupid choir boy walks out the door I have, just HAVE, to get a disturbance in the force?!" He talked to himself as he ran to the armory. He grabbed his armor and garments, suiting up real quick-like before grabbing those [url=]Cortosis gauntlets[/url] that he had ordered and ran out the door. Sprinting down the ramp and past the barricade Nyrette and Quin had built up, the two looked at him as he ran by, yelling as he did. "Where are you going?!" Nyrette yelled as Zen sped into the darkness. "Togi's trying to get himself killed again!" ___ Moving slowly with Iisska and the pets at his back, Cheshik scanned every inch of the hallway, listening for the slightest sounds that their stalker is making. It was very difficult for Cheshik to pick out the sounds of the hunter between the sounds of the rainstorm outside and the sounds of the building creaking and moaning. They were definitely there however and Cheshik was closing in on him. The Trandoshan, in addition to being a powerful warrior in his own right, was an expert tracker. He had to be to have been a bounty hunter for seven rotations. He had tracked down Iisska from half way across the galaxy before joining with a bounty hunter group to hunt down Quin, which Iisska happened to be partnered with. If it wasn't for the necklace that Iisska wore, the young force user would be dead. Not even an assassin droid could escape his eye, they left the faintest marks wherever they went, slight disturbances in the room, slight air variances, heat emissions, radiation. Sometimes the pure nothingness in a room was the biggest tip to an assassin droid's presence. Cheshik himself has been hunted by a few in his years as a hunter, he knew the signs by heart as there were few fighters more vicious and now...he had one in his grasp. He fired his blaster into the darkness at the slightest sound and he heard it impact something before more sounds were made, a droid scrambling for cover. He flashed his light at what was moving and saw the [url=]HK Droid[/url] get down behind a heap of rubble. "There!" Cheshik fired again at the rubble and rolled at an old piece of furniture, getting down. The droid popped up and fired a heavy barrage at the rest of the group to scramble them, he set his sights on the Togruta first however, standing and sprinting at him. [color=ed1c24]"JEDI SCUM. DIE NOW."[/color] Like most assassin droids of this time and age, they were able to detect the stronger well of the force within force users and were able to detect them much more easily than normal pray, thus is why Jedi Hunter droids were created, to create a perfect enemy for the jedi.