Arsto bit his lip bitterly as Isaiah seemed to vanish just as fast as Skallagrim opened up the battlegrounds. Something was entirely unnerving about their current predicament. How could he be so ignorant? Just jumping into something like this so carelessly. He always took the time to think before he acted, but not this time. This time, it was like he had no control. Something about Isaiah messed with him, and he just couldn't put a finger on it. The scientist seemed to shrug it off as he took a seat in front of a large screen. There was no shaking the feeling though. His eyes gazed in Hadyn's direction, who seemed to be almost frozen in place. It wasn't like Hadyn. Arsto began to wish he had the capabilities of some of these beings. Maybe then he wouldn't feel so uncomfortable, but then again, maybe that was a false security. "Hadyn?" he whispered toward the kitsune. "What's wrong?" "What? No goodbyes?" Hadyn forced a laugh. Isaiah did seem to vanish off to his battle quickly. Arsto also noticed that too, but didn't want to comment on it. Hadyn's expression seemed almost grim, even behind his mask. The Kistsune sighed trying to find words to his obvious uneasiness. "You humans need better senses." He seemed to almost snarl, as he moved toward Arsto. If the scientist didn't know better, he'd think the Kitsune was almost shaking. What had him so spooked? "What is it? What's going on?" Hadyn's eyes peered across the large room, toward a young looking feminine warrior. He'd hoped that she was one of the fighters and would be gone, but there she was. There was no mistaking the scent. "A Dragon." He seemed to peer down at his Okari etched across his flesh as he said the words. The imagine of Ryuu, elder dragon, firmly imprinted on his chest. Arsto closed his eyes in understanding, and with a sigh, opened them again. "You'll be fine, Hadyn. Just keep your wits about you." The kitsune nodded in agreement, as he sat hesitantly beside his partner. Arsto peered into the screen. "Now, let's see what our new friend is up to."