[img]http://img05.deviantart.net/5b82/i/2015/239/6/3/maria_for_dj_by_marinka_ko_shikara-d97e571.jpg[/img] that's an OC I made for an rp with a friend on another site. her name's Maria. [img]http://img06.deviantart.net/0bea/i/2015/171/9/8/fathers_day_ift_one_by_marinka_ko_shikara-d8y1god.jpg[/img] I did this for father's day for my papa, the flower is a carnation. he likes wolves and carnations =3 [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/7dc3/f/2015/165/7/5/smaller_blaze_as_an_angel_drawing_by_marinka_ko_shikara-d8xbt18.jpg[/img] I did this in honor of my cat, who passed last month. his name was blaze and he was the best cat I could ever hope for. [img]http://img02.deviantart.net/0606/i/2015/104/5/c/a_rose_by_any_other_name_cleaned_up_by_marinka_ko_shikara-d8jkbya.jpg[/img] this is a rose I did out of boredom xD