Standing inside near a second floor window of the Bold Helvetica, Connie stared with an almost bored expression and a slight frown. She saw the two members of the Automata Corps standing next to the the limp body of the dismembered woman talking to themselves. This crime or whatever, happened right in the alley next to her shitty, erm... wonderful establishment. Thinking to herself, [color=a0410d][i]Hmm... Well then. This may be bad for business...[/i][/color] With a heavy, heavy sigh, Connie walked downstairs, prepared a bucket of water, grabbed a mop, and walked to the entrance of the alleyway. In a bored monotone, [color=a0410d][b]"Uhh, mister Automata Corps members? Is this mess going to be cleaned up soon? I run this tavern, and I don't think my customers would very much appreciate a bloody carcass on the premises as a new forn of decoration now would they hmm?"[/b][/color]