[b]dumbledore[/b] [b]Name[/b] Lavender (don’t call me Lav!) James [b]Age[/b] Lavender turned 11 in April [hider=appearance][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2aklpwj.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Appearance[/b] Lavender is tall, well built and rather strong but not very athletic. She usually wears her black hair in a pony tail. Her sparkly green eyes may look innocent, but do not let her appearance deceive you. [b]Personality[/b] Lavender is an open, outgoing, friendly girl. Intelligent, quick witted and mischievous, Lavender does very well in school and takes pride in her academic achievements. Her playful manner ensures she always has plenty of friends who enjoy her company and sense of adventure. [b]History[/b] Lavender is adopted. This is uncommon in the wizarding world, but there you have it. Her biological parents were considered strange, and didn’t mingle with the townsfolk. When they were killed in a freak explosion that destroyed their house, leaving little baby Lavender completely unharmed amidst the rubble, nobody knew what to do with the girl. One of the first responders was an open minded young man. He and his wife had been trying for a baby for a long time. Rather than abandoning Lavender to the harsh reality of foster care and social services, he offered to take the little bundle of joy home, fully aware of the implications and the risk of having to give her up again. When no relatives appeared to claim the little rascal, her foster parents filed the adoption papers. They had fallen in love with the intelligent and mischievous little girl and quickly learned to deal with the strange things that always seemed to happen when Lavender was around. When the Headmistress of Hogwarts came to their house to explain that Lavender was a witch and that her biological parents had been magical folk as well (the explosion turned out to be a failed attempt at inventing a new potion or spell), a lot of things fell into place. Lavender’s parents fully support her going to Hogwarts and are thrilled to see all the marvels and wonders Diagon Alley and the magical world have to offer. [b]BloodType[/b] Full blood. But having been raised by muggles means Lavender does not know whether this is relevant, or should be. [b]Wand[/b] Willow, 10 1/4, with a core of Veela hair. [hider=Wand][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/28gqgix.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Pet[/b] Intrigued by the idea of owl post, and eager to keep in touch without setting her apart from her peers, Lavender’s parents bought her a barn owl in Diagon Alley. Lavender named her April, because, like her, the owl was born in that month. [hider=pet][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/5x0w9v.jpg[/IMG][/hider]