Now that she had distance, Itsuki could at least have some form of advantage against her foe. He was huge, extremely fast but still huge. She could use his ponderous bulk against him if she could figure out how. The hulk took a step forward, then another, then readied his sword and chopped it straight across horizontally. Though he aimed low since he was so tall, it still left her with a lot of leeway to dodge. As the sword hurtled in from her right (his left), she made her move. Before the blade reached her, she ducked down low, bracing her hands on the floor as she took a single step forward and lowered her entire body into a pounce-like position, extremely low against the floor as the sword soared right over her. What she didn't expect was the sudden downward shift as the blade passed over her. The huge sword suddenly chopped down towards the floor and she yelped and pulled her left arm and leg out of the way as the sword passed her by. The wind from such a powerful hit messed her hair up, and as she regained her posture, she made her move. While the huge hulk was suddenly one-handed, she had to be careful of his other arm now being absolutely free. If she jumped, he could grab her (and probably would from how big those mitts were), and if she kept her distance he could punch her or something. Her wakizashi in her left hand, it took but a moment to switch her grip from a forehand to a backhand grip. In her pounce posture, she sprung forward and to the left, inside the great warrior's range as she veered towards his sword arm. With both her swords, she performed a sort of X-shaped chop right at his shoulder. Her katana would come down from a diagonal, her high right and end up down left, while her wakizashi would go the opposite way, its blade starting from low left and end high right.