i do have a few custom cards for my character but they will never be used. i don't know if this will accidentally be part of a archetype but here it is. if it looks overpowered they are supposed to be i suppose. i still tried to balance it out so all 3 of them cannot be in play Name: Black joker Level/rank:4 Attribute:Dark Monster Type(s):Xyz effect/spellcaster Effect: 3 level 4 monsters This monster counts as every monster, You can detach one monster to gain its attack, defense,effect and name (overrides the original effect) Cannot be summoned when another black joker card is in play 2000/2000 Name: Spirit of the black joker Spell type: Continuous Effect: This card counts as every spell. (in name only) cannot be played when another black joker card is in play Name: Shadow of the black joker Trap type: Continuous Effect: This card counts as every trap. (in name only) cannot be played when another black joker card is in play