[h3]School grounds[/h3] Bride smiled at the two of them, they were really brightening his day…it felt weird having actual friends…well should he call them his friends yet? It might be pushing things to forward if so but Dai just tied his shoelace for him, oh boy…that just made him blush brighter than ever. He really just did that, like he could have just well…tied it on his own but Dai took his time to tie it for him. That was really nice of him to do and he felt like he had to do something back as well for him doing that. [color=8dc73f]“T-thank you…a-a lot…”[/color] Bride thank him with a bright pink blush on his cheeks, it just that was really a nice thing for him to do. Then Dai offered that they should show kazoo around, which be a great idea as well! He can treat them to something as well, as payment for what they done…at that scary distorted town they were at a lot has happened and well he wanted to…pay all of them back for the trouble he made as well. [color=8dc73f]“su-sure! I…a-also want to treat you guys something as w-well…”[/color] He said as they went the nurse office, which he would always go to before when he was really sick. He was healthy now but sickness would come and go time to time. ------ [h3]Nurse Office[/h3] As they were at the clinic the nurse gave him an ice packet and some medicine he needed to take for well his weak heart, he still had it clearly. That weak frail heart of his, he was born with it he had to deal with it that for sure. After taking some pills and putting the ice packet on his cheek Bride thank Dai a lot, he really helped him on there even if it was just a slight wound and that was all. Then suddenly Gruffy came by; he waved at him then explained what happened and his small slip up. [color=8dc73f]“Oh I s-slip and my cheek…t-that is all. we a-are going to the m-mall actually to s-show Kazuo around...”[/color] He stuttered out, explaining it to him. Then he realized that maybe he should explain why he was stuttering a lot. It was his sickness anyway, a side effect of it. [color=8dc73f]“Oh s-sorry..I just…s-stutter too much, s-side effect of…be-being so sick before…”[/color] he told the guys while pressing the ice packet on his cheek. It be better to explain so they wont think he was always nervous well…he was nervous but it somewhat having the crush feeling way of nervous.