[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/pryq4b8z5/Detective_Logan_Colby.png[/img] [img]http://s30.postimg.org/kokjmninl/Detective_Logan_Colby.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=steelblue]"Welcome!"[/color] The detective's British accent rang through the main entrance as the first suspect - [color=Chartreuse]Suspect 2[/color] arrived through the door, followed by [color=92278f]Suspect 4[/color] ten minutes later. He called for Eugene, and asked him to wait for the other suspects as he led [color=92278f]4[/color] and [color=Chartreuse]2[/color] through into the Investigative Offices. [color=steelblue]"Please, take a seat here,"[/color] He said, motioning to two of six chairs that had been set up at the back of the office, [color=steelblue]"I'll be right back."[/color] He walked off to the coffee machine and got two mugs, before filling them both with decaf. He grabbed two sugar packets and walked back to the suspects, handing them a mug and a sugar packet each. [color=steelblue]"Constable Eugene will come back down in a moment to keep you company. I've got to go back and wait for the other suspects."[/color] He went out of the Investigative Offices and down the corridor to the Main Entrance, taking up his post at the wall once again. [color=steelblue]"Eugene, keep them company, will you?"[/color] The constable nodded, and went back to the Investigative Offices, before walking over to the suspects and dragging up a chair near them. [b]"Hello,"[/b] He said, [b]"My name's Police Constable Eugene Vaughan, but you can just call me Eugene."[/b]