[hider=GANS Nagasena] Ship Designation: GANS Nagasena Ship Registry: STNX - 0000 Ship Class: Stealth Cruiser (Frigate) Ship Size: 456.7M Ship Crew: ±1.200 Ship Weapons: - x2 Long range Phaser batteries. Primary weapons - x30 Close range Kinetic gun batteries. Used for defense - x2 Missile Tubes Ship technologies: - Advanced AI (Experimental) - An actual self aware AI. First time being used in a combat craft. Unknown results. Listens to the name Irene. - Reflex Shield (Experimental) - This special shield covers the ship and hides any energy/heat signatures on enemy radars. However, due to it only capable of hiding so much energy, reactors must be powered down to 1/3th capacity. - Blink Drives - Nothing special about the engines. The Nagasena was given Blink Drivers to get in and out of combat quickly if needed. - Advanced Radars - Juiced up radars that are capable of giving a clear image of an entire system. - Thermal scanners - Able to pick up heat signatures on board of a ship. Able to filter between mechanical heat and organic heat. Ship Appearance: [img]http://img12.deviantart.net/dad4/i/2013/104/5/a/spacecraft_3_by_shraznar-d5y33om.jpg[/img] Notable missions: None. Fresh of the production line. Other: Due to the urgency of the requested fleet, the ship has never underwent proper testing. The armor of the Nagasena is very light as it needs to be a fast craft. Without proper support or the Reflex Shields, the hull can be penetrated very easily. This ship was designed to disable enemy crafts, scouting undetected and boarding enemy ships in order to gain control of them. [hider=Hanger Roster] [hider=Reapers] x5 Ship Designation: Reapers Ship Class: Drones Ship Crew: Irene Ship Weapons: Laser Cutters. Used for cutting through hulls. Other: Deployed to cut away a portion of a foes hull, allowing boarders to enter through it. Ship Appearance: [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/10/800x378_3383_Underwater_repair_drone_2d_sci_fi_vehicle_drone_robot_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=SRTAV04] x2 Ship Designation: SRTAV04 Ship Class: Transport Shuttle Ship Crew: x1 Pilot, x10 troop spaces Ship Weapons: Low-Energy Laser guns to ward off missiles Other: Used for boarding or ship-to-ship transportation Ship Appearance: [img]http://farm9.static.flickr.com/8256/8651097713_23d95f3f4b_m.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Barracks] Hackers x20 - There is usually one send along with the boarding party to do any sort of damage from the inside. They didn't receive any special combat training and thus only carry a small weapon in self defense. [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/2099/i/2010/210/0/6/chow_207_the_hacker_by_kamikazuh.jpg[/img] x300 Boarding Troopers - These heavily trained troops are chosen from the best. They enter an enemy ship in small numbers and take out everyone in their way as silent as possible. They are not capable of long firefights and should not be deployed for frontal assaults. [img]http://icarusminiatures.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Boarding-Trooper-Preview.jpg[/img] x3 X3YB - Sometimes there is something more needed then a couple of elite troops. That's where the X3YB's come in. These special suits give their wearer maximum protection without compromsing speed. Armed with a light weight laser rifle and a part of Irene helping the soldiers navigate, make these suits a very valuable asset. Due to the fact that these suits carry a piece of AI with them, their energy reserves are limited. Longer firefights are not recommended. Go in, get the job done, get out. [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/5d0b/i/2008/315/a/f/apollo_suit_runner_by_falarsimons.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Orpin Hiral] Name: Orpin Hiral Age: 34 (old for Otisha standards) Race: Otisha Rank: Captain Skills: Master at Space Combat Tactics. Away Mission Equipment: Small Las Pistol. Appearance: There isn't much difference to be seen between Otisha. Still, Captain Hiral, due to his age, is tinted gray instead of usual white. As for clothes he wears a suite fitting to his position. Personality: Orpin Hiral is a quiet figure. He often retreats in his thoughts where he figures out the best tactics for situations that haven't even happened yet. He is a respected figure on the ships he commands, but he is fearful of his current assignment. Quick-Bio: Being trained on the academy for captain, Hiral quickly rose to the ranks due to his tactical prowess. It wasn't long before he had command over his own ship. An assault carrier tasked with escorting colony ships. This was done for a couple of years uneventful until one day the fleet was attacked by a large group of rebel Hypharin. The odds mainly stacked against Hiral, he still managed to pull out a victory. This is why his name was dropped as candidate for leading a new project from the Alliance. In interviews he apparently was the most qualified and he got assigned to the Nagasena, an experimental frigate. While he is not used to commanding such a small craft, he will do anything in his power to pull of the mission given to him. [/hider] [hider=Irene] Name: Irene Age: 0 (15 years in development) Race: AI Rank: N/A Skills: Hacking, Calculating, Supporting, etc. Away Mission Equipment: Can transfer a part of herself into a module that Captain Hiral carries around. Appearance: [img]https://valentinagurarie.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/cyberhead-on-lightstalk-artificial-intelligence.jpg[/img] Personality: While still limited in certain things due to Blockers, Irene cares for her crew and will do anything for them. This was her default setting. Who knows how that might change over the years? Quick-Bio: AI's were always used on Space Ships. Though due to the fact that they were only used for one task they were actually more like VI's. Irene was in development for 15 years and is the first go at true artificial intelligence. She has self awareness, base emotions and can learn new things herself. She was integrated in the new ship the Nagasena for experimental reasons. [/hider]