[img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/1217/f/2014/067/d/5/d5056dc57c4adc1eca772472c368c644-d79cw1s.jpg[/img] Name: Tsubasa Limiter: Nothing above severely superhuman. No godlike or city-destroying characters. Think Spiderman, not Hulk. Tech Level: Pre-medieval [Cosmology] A giant hollow sphere of black material. Within this sphere lies a massive disk, dividing the hollow through the middle. The top half of this sphere is where all living things lie, and it is illuminated by a large band of light in the sky. The bottom half is constantly wreathed in darkness. [Special Rules] Scientifically advanced gear becomes magical for the duration of your visit, and will revert to normal when you leave. So a laser pistol might become a staff of zapping. [Factions] The Court of the Dragon Emperor All of Asia has united under a figure known as the Dragon Empire. He has somehow gained control over the Kami of the area, and took down the old emperor. He rules half the planet, and is constantly attempting to expand his territory with armies of samurai and massive monstrous spirits. The Dragon Emperor eats the Gods his armies defeat, gaining their powers. He and his army are the most dangerous thing on the planet. The Alliance of Gods When the Dragon Emperor started conquering the rest of the world, most underestimated him. The Greek Pantheon was slaughtered, and most of Russia was taken. It was then that the Gods realized they faced someone who might kill them all. The many pantheons united, the Aboriginal Gods fighting alongside Ra and Odin. These forces are united to face off against the Dragon Emperor, but their nature prevents them from fully merging. This reluctance is what has prevented them from achieving victory despite their superior numbers.