[h1]Argus Steelforge[/h1] Roused from his slumber by the sound of a crash filling his home, Argus grumbled to himself as he swung his feet over the side of the bed and stood up. A low, constant stream of complaints over being awake so early rolled from his mouth as he pulled on a set of clothing and grabbing his weapon, in case of burglary of course, and barged out of his bedroom. "[color=0072bc]Oi, what in the Father's name are ye doin so ear-.[/color]" Argus was cut off mid sentence when he found, sitting in his living room, the whole troop of apprentices he'd taken under his wing. Lying on the ground was Griffin (Grif for short), thrown to the ground by Simmins, while Dohnut sat in a chair chatting with Moira. In a corner was Lohpez, commenting in that strange language that nobody spoke. A low grumble came from Argus while Moira smiled, saying "[color=8dc73f]Argus dear, the boys came by to visit! Isn't that wonderful?[/color]" In that moment, Argus knew that he'd, well and truly, been defeated. Moira had sided with the enemy, and no amount of axe play or armor could overcome his wife. Setting the axe down next to the specialized armor rack that held the Allfather's armor, Argus released a low grumble that vaguely resembled the word "Yes" as he plopped himself down in his arm-chair. The soft chair's leather supported Argus's bulk well as Sugra came running in, clambering up onto his father's lap as he cheered "[color=00a99d]Dad's awake! Dad's awake! Dad, mister Simmins said I could watch the training today, is that okay?[/color]" A throaty laugh came from Argus's throat as he nodded, his beard tickling his son's head at the lowest point of the nod, and he said "[color=0072bc]Ah've course lad, yer always welcome to watch your dad teach the lads a thing or two.[/color]" Looking over to his wife, Argus asked "[color=0072bc]Ah, Moira, today's the big day fer Tucker cross the street right? He's off on his rite, eh?[/color]" Moira nodded and Argus proclaimed with a loud laugh "[color=0072bc]Ah, good fer him! Hope he brings back some food other than bloody fukkin snow potatoes. We may live on 'em, but eatin's real borin without the other stuff from the kingdoms below.[/color]" At that, with another boisterous laugh, he led the men outside. One by one, Argus individually trained each of his apprentices. For Grif, it was heavy physical training while Argus liberally smacked him around with a stick. Grif was unforgivably lazy, which never failed to infuriate Argus, especially since Grif had real potential if he'd only make use of it. Next was Simmins, who sparred with Argus while receiving advice on form and technique. Simmins was smart, learned quickly and applied himself, even if he did kiss arse. Simmins would be a great warrior one day, so long as he remained diligent in his study of the art of war. Half of training Dohnut was getting him to stop talking about the newest fashions in the kingdom and getting him to actually fight, but once he did get serious he was pretty good, the best fighter Argus was currently training. Dohnut had wanted to be a tailor, but was banished from his homeland before he could pursue this dream, and so was now walking the path of the warrior, no matter how reluctantly. Lohpez was, rather understandably, not trained as Argus couldn't find anything to teach the great golem, so his "training" was Argus complaining about the faults in the other apprentices while Lohpez listened, or at least everyone assumed that he was listening. In the aftermath of training, the time came for the great send-off ceremony, honestly the worst part of the entire Rite if you asked Argus. He watched Tucker being bestowed a suit of light blue armor, which made Argus scowl and grumble angrily about how bad of a color it was for armor, or indeed anything. Afterwards, a matching light blue sword was bestowed, once more making Argus loudly grumble in protest, though by now the villagers ignored Argus's grumbling about anything that was the color blue. To this day, nobody knew why he hated the color blue and its derivatives so much, only that he did. It was very likely that was a secret that would die with Argus and his legend. As young Tucker set off, leaving behind his home village for the first time, Argus shouted out "[color=0072bc]Be safe ya damn blue! Come back home with a legend![/color]" At that, his boisterous laughter filled the air of the assembly, and the gathered villagers cheered. Whenever Argus saw it fit to yell at a youth as they left home, it was counted as good tidings for the youth, as every single one Argus yelled at had returned with at least a half-suitable legacy. However, Tucker soon faded into the raging snow storm that covered the path, and those of the village slowly dispersed to go back to their everyday lives. Truthfully, Argus took to this everyday life better than most who returned from their trials. He'd done what he'd set out to do, and now he was glad for the gentle peace of his life. "[color=8dc73f]Argus, you've got some kind of letter, it's from the King![/color]" Grumbling, Argus made his way over and snatched the letter up, reading over it briefly with a raised eyebrow. This infernal winter's source was now known and located, was it? That was good, it promised safety and recovery for the land if they could only stop it. Reading further, of course, it seemed that was why he was being summoned. A coalition of heroes was being brought together to trek to the lair of these madmen and put them down for good. As inclined as Argus had been to heroics, he was enjoying a gentle retirement training apprentices, and truthfully wasn't so sure about once more donning the Stone Armor and proceeding out into the world. "[i][color=0072bc]Ah c'mon Argus, what in Sam Hill will they do without you? You're the best warrior this land's ever seen, no way they can handle those guys without your help! Besides, what kind of hero wouldja be if you don't go to help out the whole world when it's in need? Man up, you're still young, got hundreds of years in front of you to sit around, so go be a man![/color][/i]" His self pep-talk given, he sighed and walked back into the house, saying "[color=0072bc]Ah've gotta go darlin. The people need me to help save the world.[/color]" His son looked up at him then and asked "[color=00a99d]You're gonna go save the world Dad?[/color]" Argus nodded, saying with a grin "[color=0072bc]That's right son. It's not fair if I only protect you, is it? Ah've gotta protect everybody.[/color]" His son nodded with the certainty only a young child can possess and said "[color=00a99d]Okay dad! I'll see you when you get back![/color]" At that, he walked off to go play, while Argus paced the living room for only a brief moment before getting to work. Carefully stepping up to the armor rack, Argus watched the stones of the armor slide aside to allow the armor's owner to step in. Gingerly placing himself within the stone, it once more closed around his body when he had stepped inside, encasing him in the granite forged by the Allfather to protect his mortals. Grasping the helmet, he placed it on his head as his apprentices swarmed around him, eager for adventure, with the exception of Grif, who seemed somewhat more reluctant. Argus didn't even bother trying to dissuade them, when they really wanted something they were incorrigible, thankfully they didn't get that way much. His apprentices went out into the village, gathering supplies for the expedition while Argus removed the helmet once more to lean in and kiss his wife goodbye, saying "[color=0072bc]Ah'll come home safe dear, I promise.[/color]" Leaving no time for tears, Argus put his helmet back on and left his humble home behind, knowing that he may not return for many months. He watched Simmins, Lohpez and Dohnut walk about gathering supplies, while Grif was already asleep by the town's entrance, no doubt already dreading the great journey ahead of them. That was all and well, Argus supposed, as an hour later they were setting off, lent speed by a caravan that happened to be travelling that way, since the market for Snow Potatoes had flourished massively in the outside world, Clan Steelforge had become much more of a trader. --------- Stepping from the cart that had borne him, and only him, Argus yawned loudly as he looked over the assembly. To the right, a host of dark armored warriors waited, with the center position belonging to a pale figure in a black cloak. Argus rolled his eyes at the flashy display, whispering with a chuckle"[color=0072bc]Look at that guy Simmins, too scared to come without a buncha soldiers[/color]" Simmins chuckled as well, replying "[color=ed145b]Indeed sir, nowhere near as manly as you! You came with just us, a bunch of apprentices![/color]" Argus chuckled, a low rumbling sound that could still easily fill the air around Argus. As he looked to his left however, he was surprised to see a pair of elves, riding...bears. Argus's eyes went wide behind his helmet and he mumbled under his breath "[color=0072bc]Reminds me of Brownie, right good war bear he was. Poor Brownie, died too young in that forest, damn killin tree.[/color]" His miniature traumatic flashback aside, Argus shook his head and returned to normal, saying "[color=0072bc]Ah, the elf came with 'er and the boy, now that's better. Ridin bears too, real cavalry mounts those are, not like horses![/color]" This aside, Argus and his troop walked up beside the elves as the drawbridge waited to be lowered. Argus, sensing an opportunity to get to know a potential ally, marched his own stone up besides the woman of the group. He recognized her of course, Fyldren's name was as well known as his own name, though he'd never met her in person before. Even with his own reputation to precede him, he had to admit it never stopped being a little intimidating to meet someone you've only heard of in drunken tales at the tavern. Nevertheless, he introduced himself "[color=0072bc]Good day miss, I'm Argus, Argus Steelforge, pleasure to make your acquaintance.[/color]"