Oh? Someone else wanting a slice of the SSS pie? The Caucasian man looked a little too old for a mission that was as stressful and insane as something along the lines of stopping whatever was causing incidents large enough to effect both worlds…but hey, Zhu Feng was old, and he was still relatively capable when it came to Youkai-busting! Smiling brightly at the stranger (who also looked more like he was going out for a camping trip than a run through the Crimson Sky), Hoshiko graced him with a small curtsy, lifting up the ends of his oversized shirt just slightly. [b]“I’m Tsukino Hoshiko, wielder of the Thousand Stars and practitioner of Bai Ji Quan. I’m 14, but I can say I’m 18, if that’s your thing.”[/b] There was another prospective teammate that popped up soon after his introduction, this time a familiar, if not somewhat unlikeable, face. Tamashi, the foxy Youkai healer with magical abilities that might as well be considered cheating. She was elegant and cool and was probably stinking rich, and helped quite a few of Hoshiko’s bros out when they got themselves shredded by some Youkai or rogue Chaser…but having an anti-death addition to the party really killed the mood. Thankfully, the foreigner had balls, if nothing else (or maybe he just didn’t know how much of a boon Tamashi was), and shooed her off. Maybe he was a bit of a dick about it, but the raven-haired boy was alright with unintentional dickery, when it was useful for him. [b]“Well then, let’s not take up too much more of Kuso-chan’s space, eh? Gotta keep the pawn shop nice and empty, after all.”[/b] With that, Hoshiko tore the message off the board and pocketed it…somewhere, before walking out. He would have liked to stick around until after his master popped up, but the old man was slow today, for whatever reason. [b]“Someone tell Zhu Feng that his princess has already been taken away by Bowser, kay?”[/b]