Interested, this is just a placeholder. [hider=Fruitbat] [center] [img][/img] Name: Shane Gallagher Nicknames: Fruitbat Gender: Male Age:25 Place of Origin: Barna, Connemara, Ireland Occupation: Owns a chip shop, has wanted to get a band together for years but keeps punching anyone who agrees with him. Known EVO Abilities: Teleportation: Stage One: Shane is able to teleport distances within sight of up to 30 feet away. This cannot be behind a wall but could be the space above and over the wall in order for Shane to fall behind said wall. Psychological Profile & History: Shane was born in Barna, Ireland to a businessman father and a housewife mother. Shane's father was often out on business, and had little time other than a week during the school holidays to visit his family. As a result, Shane grew up largely without a father and had to make do with what father figures he did have. Unfortunately this was his uncle Dan. Uncle Dan was a known criminal with a major anger problem. He often got into fights at his local pub and was majorly involved with a local gang who would often be picked up by the police sooner or later. Dan's main problem with people was that he hated anyone who didn't speak Gaelic as fluently as he did. Suffice to say, he joined the IRA later in his life. As a result of this father figure, Shane was a problematic child growing up. He'd often get into fights at school and would visit his favourite place, the chippy, regularly after school, much to his mothers disdain. His father had big news just after, Shane's sixteenth birthday though. The company had finally recognized his work and were relocating him to America to operate there. Both of Shane's parents were ecstatic, Shane not so much. From what his uncle Dan had told him, Americans were all fat loud and annoying. Quite ironic considering who had told him it. Nevertheless, Shane had very little voice in the matter and was forced to move to the US. First Known Manifestation (If applicable): Additional Info:[/center] [/hider]